Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Republicanos Mudos Necesitan Un Cheque de la Realidad
Friday, August 29, 2008
I Wonder What Moose Stew Tastes Like
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Perplexed Disquietude
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Que La Baise
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Mrs. Obama Goes To Denver
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Rethugs In The Bleachers
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Bullshit Has Its Place
Friday, August 22, 2008
Every Rose Has Its Thorn vs Everlong, The Former Gets My Vote
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Viviano Does The Trick
Another flavor exists too. Banana Chocolate. I have never been a fan of chocolate covered bananas. They serve them at carnivals and fairs and sometimes at the local Fosters Freeze ice cream shops. Once the smoothie hits your tongue, you can taste the whey. The chocolate they use does not overpower the protein flavor and the banana adds a smoothness to the rough taste of the milk plasma. I found myself wanting more and I am not a big fan of whey powder.
Overall, Viviano shines. Now whether it will bring Starbucks back to life after their storm is another story. I think they may have to retune the umph in the Pike Place coffee if they hope to achieve that feat.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Cone of Foolishness
Well, it looks like the Rethugs are up to their old tricks again. Smearcon William Kristol of the NYT decided to write an op-ed in the Monday edition. He said that Americans got a chance to see the "real" Obama. What that he is a pro-choice democrat? Wow, most democrats are. Kristol even suggested that Obama had made the initial charge of McCain's cheating. The NYT did issue a correction citing Kristol's warped assumptions and charges. I know the NYT is left of center, but they are screwy for hiring that neanderthal who spreads neocon garbage in a rather noteworthy medium.
The McCain campaign did not deny that their prized warrior had heard the "messiah's" answers. They issued a rather rudimentary statement chock full of bull. As usual, the MSM ate up the elephant gruel and did not bother to even cover it. I guess Americans are more focused on the Olympics. The MSM is letting McCain get away with anything and everything. The Obama camp is doing its best to call the media out over their love affair with the double, excuse me, straight talker but that isn't registering with the public. Obama's real threat this election season is not McSame, but the MSM and their determination to keep the independent maverick notion alive in this political arena.
Pull up a seat and open a bottle of scotch - it's going to be a wild ride til November as long as this love affair with McBush continues.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Oil No More
Most analysts suggest that we would not see a drop of oil for 10 to 15 years. Conservatives disagree stating that gas has taken a dive since G-Dub lifted the federal moratorium. Nice try. Gas is going to be high and there is no getting around it. It will never drop below $3.50 (period) and if it does then Obama can drive home the uncertainty of our continued dependence on foreign dictators and tyrants to fund our habit. McCain has even noted that if we drill here and drill now, that it will be more of a psychological benefit than a real one. And the public has yet to pick up on it.
If Obama had said something like that, he'd be called on the carpet for it. But Obama's plan, although ambitious is more practical. So what is going on?
The public has taken the Republican delicacy hook, line and sinker. Obama needs to drop the complexity and get to moving on getting the public interested in other ways of fueling our vehicles. He needs to say more specifically why we cannot continue to be beholden to Saudi Arabia, UAE and other people over in the Middle East to run our Toyotas and Fords. Obama can win this argument if he lays out specifics, but cuts to the point and drops the nuance.
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Lurking Beneath The Surface
I don't know McCain. Contrary to the assertion by the mainstream media, I had never heard of Senator John McCain until 2000. The notion that all voters know him is not only a misnomer but suggests that the American public follows all Congressional persons as closely as they do the President. Bob Herbert in Saturday’s New York Times, wrote an Op-Ed piece depicting how voters need to “get to know” both Obama and McCain but he focused more on the fumbling and bumbling of John McCain and how we really do not know him.
Very true indeed. Senator John McCain has earned his maverick badge by asserting himself as a different kind of Republican who sees climate change as a problem and will occasionally vote for a progressive bill. However, the John McCain of 2000, from what I observed then, is much different from the McCain now. Having shoved aside his views, McCain has embraced the conservative fringes of his party and adopted the viewpoints of the sitting President, thereby revealing as aspect of who he truly is. John McCain asserted this week that “Barack Obama would rather lose a war…..” This line of attack seems to be tantamount to the McCain campaign and its surrogates.
How can the public not notice all the McCain gaffes and stumbles? Partly because of the declaration by the McCain camp that Obama is receiving too much t.l.c. from the media. Not so says this voter. I have yet to see any truth about McCain. His gaffes are glossed over while Obama’s are dissected and examined with a fine tooth comb. The notion that being in Washington makes you immune to media criticism or scrutiny (as is happening in the case of McCain) is both preposterous and stunning. All of the major networks have done a remarkable job of purporting that Obama is new to the scene and we need to know and see who he really is.
I guess the media sees fit to assess the political arena whenever it feels like it. The voting public will probably never see what is lurking beneath John McCain’s surface. With his harsh humor and 95% voting record with President George Bush, I scratch my head at the maverick averment. Voters are getting a glimpse of what is lurking behind Barack Obama but how can we see what is behind John McCain if everything is collaboratively covered up?