Thursday, August 21, 2008

Viviano Does The Trick

Starbucks has been struggling lately (at least by what Wall Street is reporting). They are closing more than 600 stores and many baristas will be out of a job. But they have vamped up something to make Starbucks more exciting. And one of the new techniques that emerged from the brainstorming palace at Starbucks headquarters was Viviano, which are smoothies powered with whey. I had the pleasure of drinking one about a week ago. Orange Mango Banana. Quite tasty. You cannot taste the whey. The orange bitterness is masked nicely by the mango puree swimming in the concentrate or juice that is used and the fresh banana cements potassium goodness on top of a stunning smoothie.

Another flavor exists too. Banana Chocolate. I have never been a fan of chocolate covered bananas. They serve them at carnivals and fairs and sometimes at the local Fosters Freeze ice cream shops. Once the smoothie hits your tongue, you can taste the whey. The chocolate they use does not overpower the protein flavor and the banana adds a smoothness to the rough taste of the milk plasma. I found myself wanting more and I am not a big fan of whey powder.

Overall, Viviano shines. Now whether it will bring Starbucks back to life after their storm is another story. I think they may have to retune the umph in the Pike Place coffee if they hope to achieve that feat.


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