Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Cone of Foolishness

So John McCain may have gotten a chance to hear the questions that Rick Warren asked Obama? Hmm, I smell corruption. Ahem, cheating. Why is this not getting anymore coverage? If that had been Obama, the MSM would be drooling over his potential violation of well, nothing. McCain's morals and ethics have been called into question during the campaign. He repeatedly has failed to talk about himself, just Obama. The only thing I've heard thus far is that he is a former POW. I respect his service to the country, but let's be real. Tell me how you are going to keep my wallet happy and make sure that more of my fellow Americans do not die over in Iraq. The McCain campaign scoffed at the suggestion by NBC's Andrea Mitchell that the straight talker may not have been talking straight.

Well, it looks like the Rethugs are up to their old tricks again. Smearcon William Kristol of the NYT decided to write an op-ed in the Monday edition. He said that Americans got a chance to see the "real" Obama. What that he is a pro-choice democrat? Wow, most democrats are. Kristol even suggested that Obama had made the initial charge of McCain's cheating. The NYT did issue a correction citing Kristol's warped assumptions and charges. I know the NYT is left of center, but they are screwy for hiring that neanderthal who spreads neocon garbage in a rather noteworthy medium.

The McCain campaign did not deny that their prized warrior had heard the "messiah's" answers. They issued a rather rudimentary statement chock full of bull. As usual, the MSM ate up the elephant gruel and did not bother to even cover it. I guess Americans are more focused on the Olympics. The MSM is letting McCain get away with anything and everything. The Obama camp is doing its best to call the media out over their love affair with the double, excuse me, straight talker but that isn't registering with the public. Obama's real threat this election season is not McSame, but the MSM and their determination to keep the independent maverick notion alive in this political arena.

Pull up a seat and open a bottle of scotch - it's going to be a wild ride til November as long as this love affair with McBush continues.


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