Sunday, August 24, 2008

Rethugs In The Bleachers

So, Johnny Mac might choose a pro-choice dude to run with. Cool, anger the base more than he already has with his maverick delusions of grandeur. John McCain ain't no maverick, plain and simple. Of course, by picking Al Gore's VP pick, he could remain a "maverick" in the eyes of every last American who wants to believe it. Two Republican strategists who really aren't worth the time nor energy to type their names, told CNN that it would behoove Mac not to choose a pro-choicer. Rush Limbaugh already criticized Mac for even considering damaging the elephant party's history.

But there are some pluses to the ticket (at least in theory). It allows straight talkers like Nancy Pfotenhauer and Jill Hazelbaker (policy people on the express) to spread venom among those angry Hillary supporters who are reluctant to vote for Barack. They can quickly con and hoodwink them into voting for the good solider. Republicans are notorious for conning the public. Just look at the poll on whether or not we should drill for oil. It's pretty high. 

Either way, conservatives will probably hold their noses and vote for Mac even with a pro-choice running mate. Most rethugs don't want Obama running this country. They see him as a pragmatic socialist with a funny name and a dark skin tone. Obama won't get the angry rethugs. Only sensible rethugs are voting for him. Limbaugh will probably vote for Mac, too. But the elephant party's principles and pro-life stance will be put off into the bleachers. The nosebleed section. Oh, well - their brand of dookie is already ruined anyway. McCain would just be flushing the dookie down the toilet with a pro-choice pick.


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