Friday, August 29, 2008

I Wonder What Moose Stew Tastes Like

I am not a wild animal eater. Duck is about as rakish as I will go when eating. My grandfather over the years has enjoyed uncultivated animals like squirrel and rabbit. The flesh of these bestial creatures leave a gummy taste in my mouth that no amount of side dishes can fix. I have never had moose. Perhaps, whenever I make it up to the northern exposure of Juneau, Alaska; I will get a chance to sample the cadmium laced red meat.

Sarah Palin, has tried moose stew I bet. McCain's hip new pick for VP has stunned the political world. She undercuts the central argument that the right wingers have been making that Obama is too cool to be President because of his intake of protein bars and lightly sweetened organic tea. But who on Earth is this newbie from Wasilla, AK? A governor of with minuscule experience. She is inviting and receptive, however. A sure fire up for the Republican base. She energizes the kook wingnuts of the party and even might sway the right of center independents.

McCain threw America for a loop by choosing her however. Of all of the choices available, Mac chose a woman. An obvious pander to the dire hard PUMAs of the Democratic party who are still sobbing that their pantsuit hero did not ride off into the 1600 sunset. A Republican strategist suggested it was a risky, but brilliant choice. I agree. Palin offers a reform agenda. The same one being offered by McCain. The one that was offered by Ronald Reagan and George Bush's pappy. Of course, Palin can deliver the low taxes mumbo jumbo with ease and precision. She has a 80-90% approval rating among Alaskans, which is quite impressive. But on the fundamentals -- she is lacking.

I watched her give her speech today and she was babbling about a bridge to nowhere and how she and the straight talkers of the GOP are the change America so desperately needs. Blah, blah, blah. She along with the other pro-lifers, middle class money guzzlers and conservative compadres are playing themselves if they see this as a game changer.

If the choice is between a so-called straight talker and a moose stew lover vs a savvy intellectual with uplifting oratorical skills and a foreign policy virtuoso, I'll take the latter anyday. This is a game changer, all right; but not in the way the Republicans think it is.


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