Monday, August 28, 2006

Daily Thought

It is okay to say you don't know a thing. Sometimes we feel we have to fix things up to make ourselves feel better about the fact that we are uncertain about the future. But it is okay not to know. Stop reasoning - Joyce Meyer

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Questions, Questions & More Pregunatas

Another one of these. I copied this off another blog.

What is your salad dressing of choice? Italian
What's your favorite fast food restaurant? White Castle
What is your favorite sit down restaurant? Wild Palms
On average, what size tip do you leave at a restaurant? 20%
What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of? Chicken
Name three foods you detest above all others. Brussel Sprouts, Rice Pudding, Tomato Juice
What is your favorite dish to order in a Chinese restaurant? Crab Rangoon
What are your pizza toppings of choice? Hamburger & Onion
What do you like to put on your toast? Nothing. I eat raw toast.
What is your favorite type of gum? Orbit
What is your favorite drink? Iced tea

Number of contacts in your cell phone? I have a few more than I did when I first got my phone.
Number of contacts in your e-mail address book? Don't keep one. Never got the time to even create one.
What is your wallpaper on your computer? One of them that came with the Xp instillation
What is your screensaver on your computer? I usually turn the comp off when I don't need 2 use it
Are there naked pictures saved on your computer? Not anymore.
How many land line phones do you have in your house? One
How many televisions are in your house? 4
What kitchen appliance do you use the least? Can opener.
What is the format of the radio station you listen to the most? Gospel or what they call Urban

What do you consider to be your best physical attribute? I gotta say the smile or the eyes
Are you right handed or left handed? Right
Do you like your smile? Yep.
Have you ever had anything removed from your body? No
Would you like to? Check back in 2 or 3 decades
Do you prefer to read when you go to the bathroom? Sometimes, but I'm not in there long.
Which of your five senses do you think is keenest? Touch
When was the last time you had a cavity? A yr ago, my first in 21 yrs
What is the heaviest item you lift regularly? Ipod....that isn't heavy.
Have you ever been knocked unconscious? No

What do you look for in the opposite sex? Great body and has got to be funny.
What do you think is a good first date? Dinner & movies.

What is your 2 favorite songs right now? Margarita by Sleepy Brown & Bread of Heaven by VIP Mass Choir
Favorite bands/singers right now? Outkast & Praiz
Songs out right now that have grown on you? Lyfe's SEX, Justin Timberlake's SexyBack & Cheri Dennis' I Love You
Favorite kind of music? R&B
Slow jams or pary jams? Slow jams. Someone once told me that I needed 2 do a Quiet Storm broadcast.

Do you have a favorite back in the day tv show? A Different World
Favorite TV shows right now? Nip/Tuck, Big Brother 7 and Windfall
TV Shows that have grown on you? House, Arrested Development
2 Favorite films you've seen in the past 2 years? Idlewild and Madea's Family Reunion
Favorite Throwback Film (1998 and back): Probably Coming To America

If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die? No, because then I would want to know the cause of my death as well.
If you could change your first name, what would you change it to? Perhaps an urban name. Hakeem or Jerome.
If it were possible, would you want to have some sort of magical power? Perhaps the ability to manifest things that I think of.

How do you express your artistic side? I write and can be sarcastic
What color do you think you look best in? Brown
What magazines do you read? Vibe, Men's Health & Forbes
2 good books you've read in the last year? Letters to A Young Brother & Heaven: Close Encounters
2 favorite books you've ever read? The Bible (although, I don't like to call it a book) & And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie
What kind of candy do you like? Jolly Ranchers & Snickers
Favorite pasttimes? Writing, Listening to music, Working on Adobe Audition, Performing magic tricks

How long do you think you could last in a medium security prison? I don't know.
Have you ever swallowed a non-food item by mistake? No
If we weren't bound by society's conventions, do you have a relative you would make a pass at? No.
How often do you go to church? Most Sundays, I try to go to Bible study as well.
Have you ever saved someone's life? I'm not aware, but you never know.
Has someone ever saved yours? No.
Have you ever done something you've regretted? No. I think perception of certain situations can affect outcomes of things, but I do not regret a single thing I've done, besides it's done - there's nothing I can do about it.

For this last section, if you would do it for less or more money, indicate how much.
Would you walk naked for a half mile down a public street for $100,000? That's something I'd have to ponder on.
Would you kiss a member of the same sex for $100? Nope.
Would you have sex with a member of the same sex for $10,000? No.

Would you allow one of your little fingers to be cut off for $200,000? Money ain't everything
Would you never blog again for $50,000? Yep. Blogging is cool, but I could always write another book.

Would you pose naked in a magazine for $250,000? Let's get to that if the opportunity presents itself.
Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000? I would. My cousin chuckles at me putting hot sauce on greens.
Would you, without fear of punishment, take a human life for $1,000,000? I wouldn't. Life is precious.
Would you shave your head and get your entire body waxed for $5,000? Up the price and we got a deal.

Would you give up watching television for a year for $25,000? I would have to have Nip/Tuck on DVD and a few other DVDS, but I could. Listening to music is a much better way to spend time.

Life in many parts -

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Idlewild Review & Emmy Nominations

1) I went to see Idlewild.

All I can say is it is pretty darn good.

It is a gangsta/1930's kinda movie about 2 friends who grew up in Idlewild. There are many songs worth buying the Outkast cd for such as Pj & Rooster, Idlewild Blue, and Morris Brown.

2) I periodically watch the Emmys because I like to see who they nominate. This year I think that Outstanding Drama Series should go to House or Grey's Anatomy and for Outstanding Comedy Series, it should be Arrested Development but everyone likes Curb Your Enthusiasm which is nothing too special (in my opinion). I had hoped they would nominate Weeds because it's very popular. But we'll c. I wish they would have gotten another host. I am not a big fan of Conan O'Brien. I hope he's able to keep the audience entertained.

Life has many parts -

Last to play
Justin Timberlake - SexyBack
Paula Deanda - Doin Too Much
Fergie - London Bridge
Shanice - Take Care of U
Omarion - Entourage

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Daily Thought

True peace only comes when you journey from within.....

Monday, August 21, 2006

Daily Thought

It is easier to see what is wrong with someone else than to take a look in the mirror and see what is wrong with yourself....

Sunday, August 20, 2006

A Few More Things....

1) A Few Summer Things - Summer is almost over and yet, I am kinda sad that it is. Relaxing and chillin is all apart of summer. The hot sun has been good thus far, except for a few weeks where the humidity was insane. Iced tea was my main squeeze this summer as I wrote, watched television and read. I also found out that a la carte Mexican food is tasty, but expensive. For my cousin's birthday, he wanted to go to some restaurant in the LOOP (which is this strip of shops, and restaurants and a library), where they had a la carte Mexican food. I had never had goat before, but I think I'll have it again. I still haven't fixed the dent on my Mitsubishi. I am just not interested in spending the money to get it fixed. The dent isn't that bad. My grandfather told me to take his dent fixer and take it out, but that dent is just a little too in there. I did spend a lot of money this summer on gas though. I wish gas was $.50 like it was back in the olden days. Now it's somewhere near $3.50 a gallon, which inspires me to only fill it up halfway and then wait for the Bush administration to drop it down a lil so I can fill it up to full.

2) AGT - I watched the America's Got Talent finale. It was pretty good. Quick Change yet again performed the same act a 3rd time and this time they got Piers Morgan back. 11-year old Bianca Ryan won the cool million. I could use a million right now. I better get my talents in order and get into that competition. You might just see me on tv next yr doing something.

3) A Review of Weeds - I first watched Weeds earlier this summer. My uncle had taped it and I sat down to watch a soccer mom sell weed to keep her family afloat. My first thought was that it was funny. I watched the entire first season and found myself wanting to watch more. It is addictive like Nip/Tuck and The OC. I think television could be making a come back with these shows although, I'm not sure what Nip/Tuck is doing with its storylines...check the 3rd season to see what I'm talking about and The OC killed off one of its main characters. My grandfather no longer has Showtime so I cannot watch the new season of Weeds, but I'll wait until my uncle tapes it.

4) Production Is Off Da Chain - I have been using Adobe Audition lately tampering with voiceovers trying to perfect my creative services talent so I can get a job in production. My voice isn't trained for voiceover production, but I am thinking about taking an evening class to get my voice ready for voiceovers. You might just hear me on the radio sooner than later.

Life has many parts -

Last to play....
Bishop D.Dewayne Rudd's sermon - Laws of Sowing & Reaping

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Daily Thought

Words are powerful....

Friday, August 11, 2006

Then & Now

I have seen this on many blogs and decided to do it on mine.

How old were you?
Then: 15
Now: 21, soon 2 b 22

Where did you work?
Then: I was being lazy.
Now: Looking for a job.

Where did you live?
Then: In Los Angeles
Now: I still live in LA, but right now I'm in St. Louis.

Did you wear contacts?
Then: 20/20 no need 4 em.
Now: Nope.

Which of your pets was still alive?
Then: I tried to take care of fish, but it didn't quite work out.
Now: No pets, now, I gotta take care of myself first. Pets come later.

Who was your celebrity crush?
Then: Stacy Dash.
Now: Halle Berry.

How many piercings or tattoos did you have?
Then: None.
Now: Still none.

Who was you favorite singer/band?
Then: 2pac & Dj Quik
Now: I'm feelin jazz right now and gospel music.

Had you smoked a cigarette?
Then: Nope. Not a fan of cancer sticks.
Now: Still haven't puffed one.

Had you gotten drunk?
Now: Drinking ain't what its cracked up 2 b - Alcohol is slow death.

What kind of car did you drive?
Then: I was taking the bus.
Now: This Black Mitsubishi

Looking back, are you where you thought you would be in 2006?
Then: I had planned to be retired by 25.
Now: That can still happen because I'm on my way to success.

A few predictions for September 8, 2016.
Age: What does that make a brother 32.
Family: Married.
Job: Writer & Entertainment Lawyer
Home: A nice house in Los Angeles.
Accomplishments: 3 books written and have under contract many musicians and sports players.
Volunteer work: Working at the church.
My ride: A Ferrari and a Lexus.
Drinking: Alcohol is still not a friend.
Glasses: Still operating on the 20/20.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

It's An Interesting World Out There

1) Unnecessary Cruelty - Entertainment is a tough business, but not tough enough to call someone deaf and dumb. It was very cruel of Simon #2 on America's Got Talent to call the Quick Change Artists dumb for not changing their act. Despite the fact that they didn't change a thing, no one can figure out how they do it. There is speculation as to velcro and other bells and whistles, but the act still amazes audiences every time they perform. That act has taken them around the world and won them many contests and yet Simon #2 had the gaul to call them deaf for not listening to his criticisms and dumb for not taking into consideration his criticisms. I hope they get through, because I'm still baffled at how they do it even if they don't change a thing. Perhaps Simon #2 should try to do what they do.

2) The Word of Faith Movement - There is much discussion and has been much discussion on The Word of Faith Movement and its controversy. Over the last few days, I have been reading articles on so-called religious police who go on and on in articles exposing 'charlatan' WOF preachers for their heretical doctrines and phony parlor tricks to gain money from gullable and weak Christians. I am not in any position to judge whether a preacher is false or not. The Bible tells all Christians to use discernment. There are mixed reviews on preachers such as Creflo Dollar (whose last name is controversial enough), Joyce Meyer, Paula White, TD Jakes, Billy Graham, Benny Hinn (whose healing crusades have always been controversial and sometimes referred to as cultic) and Kenneth Copeland. I personally know someone who is apart of Dollar's ministry and I have listened to Jakes, Dollar and Meyer and I do not have a problem with their teachings because the Bible tells us not to judge. We ought to leave the judging up to God. I will say this though, they all support salvation, which is positive.

3) Rap Ain't What It Used 2 B - I am finding that hip hop just isn't what it once was. Everything is sounding like everything else nowadays. What happened to the good ole rap classics like "Straight Outta Compton" or "Dear Mama," now we have ignant (yep, I said IG-NANT) songs and people still fall for this so-called quality rap. Don't get me wrong, there are some good rappers out there like Luda and TI, but for the most part hip hop is too commercialized.

4) Just How Many Save The Last Dance Remakes? - I applaud the movie industries for re-inventing these dance movie remakes. Step Up is really Save The Last Dance in disguise, or no wait, Shall We Dance? or better yet, Honey, or how about You Got Served, or any dance movie made in the last 7 years. What makes Step Up so much better? Non-stop marketing and tracks by Chris Brown, Ciara and Sean Paul. That's enough to make you go see it. Hmm, I'm not convinced considering I can download all 3 songs off iTunes or practice some klepto using Limewire.

5) Music Video Reviews - I like Janet's video, although I'm not quite sure what the pirate ship represents, or is that a pirate ship?; I like Nelly Furtado's video, but AOL called it risque, but then again who are they? After all, they charge $20+ a month for a service you get free when you install XP; Outkast's Morris Brown video is odd, but they've gotten odder and odder since Atliens. I do like the song though.

Life has many parts -

Songs for Autumn

I have always liked acoustic songs and songs that have a message. Many songs are good to listen to on an autumn day when the wind is blowing and when the brown leaves are falling from the trees, and when summer has faded away. Alright that sounds sappy, but here are a few recs I have for an autumn playlist....

Blur - Coffee & TV
-Most of the songs on the Cruel Intentions sdtk are pretty good.

John Mayer - St Patrick's Day
-Almost as good as Daughters.

Edwin McCain - I'll Be
-This is classic alternative (around 8th grade I think).

The Verve - Freshman
-Many don't remember this, but it's very good.

Jack Johnson - Banana Pancakes
-If you like his songs, you'll like this one.

Foo Fighters - Everlong (Acoustic)
-Radio plays the regular most of the time, but the acoustic was more popular.

Bird York - In The Deep
-A track from Crash. Something about this song is just good.

Seal - Whirlpool
-Not a big Seal fan, but I like this one.

Mamas & The Papas - California Dreamin
-Good oldie.

Simon & Garfunkel - I Am A Rock
-Another good oldie; you have to appreciate songwriting to like them.

Mr.Mister - Broken Wings
-Played on those 80's Time Life commercials, this song was very popular.

Low Millions - Statue
-Just take a listen.

Norah Jones - Shoot The Moon
-Music to relax to.

Life has many parts -

Monday, August 07, 2006

Daily Thought

Avoid a sugared gospel as you would shun sugar of lead. Seek the gospel which rips up and tears and cuts and wounds and hacks and even kills, for that is the gospel that makes alive again. And when you have found it, give good heed to it. Let it enter into your inmost being. As the rain soaks into the ground, so pray the Lord to let his gospel soak into your soul - C.H. Spurgeon

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Daily Thought

It is difficult to inspire others to accomplish when you haven't been willing to try - Unknown

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Daily Thought

You use a glass mirror to see your face; you use works of art to see your soul - George Bernard Shaw

Friday, August 04, 2006

Daily Thought

The secret of success is to offend the greatest number of people - George Bernard Shaw