Sunday, August 20, 2006

A Few More Things....

1) A Few Summer Things - Summer is almost over and yet, I am kinda sad that it is. Relaxing and chillin is all apart of summer. The hot sun has been good thus far, except for a few weeks where the humidity was insane. Iced tea was my main squeeze this summer as I wrote, watched television and read. I also found out that a la carte Mexican food is tasty, but expensive. For my cousin's birthday, he wanted to go to some restaurant in the LOOP (which is this strip of shops, and restaurants and a library), where they had a la carte Mexican food. I had never had goat before, but I think I'll have it again. I still haven't fixed the dent on my Mitsubishi. I am just not interested in spending the money to get it fixed. The dent isn't that bad. My grandfather told me to take his dent fixer and take it out, but that dent is just a little too in there. I did spend a lot of money this summer on gas though. I wish gas was $.50 like it was back in the olden days. Now it's somewhere near $3.50 a gallon, which inspires me to only fill it up halfway and then wait for the Bush administration to drop it down a lil so I can fill it up to full.

2) AGT - I watched the America's Got Talent finale. It was pretty good. Quick Change yet again performed the same act a 3rd time and this time they got Piers Morgan back. 11-year old Bianca Ryan won the cool million. I could use a million right now. I better get my talents in order and get into that competition. You might just see me on tv next yr doing something.

3) A Review of Weeds - I first watched Weeds earlier this summer. My uncle had taped it and I sat down to watch a soccer mom sell weed to keep her family afloat. My first thought was that it was funny. I watched the entire first season and found myself wanting to watch more. It is addictive like Nip/Tuck and The OC. I think television could be making a come back with these shows although, I'm not sure what Nip/Tuck is doing with its storylines...check the 3rd season to see what I'm talking about and The OC killed off one of its main characters. My grandfather no longer has Showtime so I cannot watch the new season of Weeds, but I'll wait until my uncle tapes it.

4) Production Is Off Da Chain - I have been using Adobe Audition lately tampering with voiceovers trying to perfect my creative services talent so I can get a job in production. My voice isn't trained for voiceover production, but I am thinking about taking an evening class to get my voice ready for voiceovers. You might just hear me on the radio sooner than later.

Life has many parts -

Last to play....
Bishop D.Dewayne Rudd's sermon - Laws of Sowing & Reaping


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