Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Why Did I Do This...O....Because I Was Bored

thirteen random things you like:01) Music 02) Writing 03) Food 04) My computadora 05) My blog 06) Sex 07) Virgin Drinks 08) Good sleep, bad sleep is not good 09) Halle Berry 10) Money 11) The Bible 12) Humor 13) Los Angeles

twelve movies:01) She's Gotta Have It 02) Boomerang 03) Saw 04) Drumline 05) The Incredibles 06) The Watermelon Man 07) Willie Wonka & The Chocolate Factory 08) Cruel Intentions 09) The Godfather 10) Malcolm X 11) A Clockwork Orange 12) Sin City

eleven good bands/artists:01) Rahsaan Patterson 02) Missy 03) System of a Down 04) The Smashing Pumpkins 05) Air 06) Common 07) Parliament/Funkadelic 08) Kanye West 09) John Legend 10) 2pac 11) R. Kelly

ten things about you:01) I'm an intellectual, probably smarter than you 02) I'm sarcastic 03) I am a silly person 04) I like chicken 05) I enjoy driving sports cars 06) I'm pretty talented in some areas 07) I write 08) I am violent if need be 09) I enjoy working with Protools 10) I am focusing on my goal to be an entertainment lawyer

nine good friends (in no specific order):01) Ashley 02) Lauren 03) Marc 04) Chev 05) David 06) Shani 07) Amir 08) Naeesa 09) Reka

eight favorite foods/drinks:01) Fried Chicken 02) Shirley Temples 03) Sour Peach Rings 04) Lucky Charms 05) Pineapple Juice 06) PF Chiangs 07) Apple pie a la mode 08) Mint Tea

seven things you wear daily:01) Shirt 02) Watch 03) Pants/Jeans 04) Shoes 05) Socks 06)Undershirt or wifebeater 07) Underwear

six things that annoy you:01) racists 02) people who aren't on my level 03) President Bush 04) Fake Ass Thugs 05) those who make arguments with very weak support 06) triflin people

five things you touch everyday:01) myself 02) computer mouse 03) cell phone 04) wallet 05) a cup

four shows you watch:01) Family Guy 02) The OC 03) Harvey Birdman 04) The Cosby Show

three celebrities you have a crush on:01) Mariah Carey 02) Halle Berry 03) Alicia Keys

two people you'd like to kiss 01) Brittany 02) this girl I saw in the towers today

one person you could spend the rest of your life with:01) myself

Monday, May 09, 2005

Do The Right Thing (The Last Blog Until Summer)

I have completed my last blog probably until it goes.

1) What's Goin On? - I have constantly wondering what IS going on with the people in my life. Why did God place them in my path? They have to serve a purpose because everyone has a purpose in everyone else's lives. I am sitting here drinking some Lipton Iced Tea and reflecting on things once again. I seem to do that a lot and have done that a lot this past week. Thinking is good because it allows one to fully make quality choices and decisions. I am watching Spike Lee's Do The Right Thing, which is one of my favorite movies of all time because it is the basis of Black Power. That is the underlying subject as well as peace and equality amongst all people of all races. I just wonder what is going on? I seem to be like a car in neutral because I have learned over the years that dealing with people they can either cause you to drive or shift you down to 3rd, 2nd even 1st gear or put you in reverse. I have crossed people who have turned out not to be friends but associates and I ask the question what is going on? What draws one to certain people? Why is it that I have these individuals as friends and not others? I am still pondering on these questions....get back to me later

2) The Mystery of Kyle - Somehow I have this mysterious aura around me. People want to crack my code and get inside my head. Learn the private details and have 24hr/7day a week access to whatever they want to know and when they want to know it. I am your average guy rasied in the suburbs of Los Angeles, California. I am a calm individual who is honest and know what I want out of life. I have a younger sister named Natalie and I live in a subdivision called Ladera Heights, which is often times called the Black Beverly Hills. I own a Mitsubishi Galant Black in color. I am a complex individual, who seeks a woman of value and substance, virtuous even. I like to write and I am a person who is not afraid of anyone partly because I can get access to a gun within an hour if need be and I know people who can aide me in getting rid of unwanted specimen on this earth who seek to do me nothing but harm. I think my mystery comes from the fact that I am not an open book. I am always discussing someone else or something else besides myself. If you want to know something just ask, I will open my book and let the words pour out. But I think people do not want to ask because they like the fact that I am a mystery and I do too.

3) XXX: State of the Union - I went to see that movie tonight. It is action packed, GO SEE IT. Spend that money on a student discounted ticket and enjoy it. Ice Cube did a good job of playing the new XXX and Nona Gaye is sexy in the movie. It is a movie that keeps you interested. My movie outings have been restored because of this movie because the last couple of movies I have seen have been confusing or down right basura.

In closing, I am compelled to do the right thing in my life and to lead it the way it should be lead. I am a new person, someone different. Different because I chose to be different. I am still complex and mysterious but I am new and get ready because you have yet to see the change. Just wait until the fall....

Life H a S mAnY p a r t s, these parts that have been written thus far are the prologues to the actual parts that will come later

and the last songs to play....

Public Enemy - Fight The Power
Beastie Boys - Fight For Your Right
Dj Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince - Summertime
Crucial Conflict - Hay
Bush Babees - Love Song
Mos Def - Ms Fat Booty
Eric B & Rakim - Microphone Fiend
Special Ed - I Got It Made
The Coup - Fat Cats, Bigga Fish

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

ONO (A New Part)

Ono means nothingness. Nothing. Nada. Niet. I am sitting in my room drinking some Safeway Select Cherry Coke and snacking on some Cheese Nips. I received some rather stunning news today, news that I'd rather not discuss but just know that I have not had a good day, but I am going on strong. I come with this blog to discuss ono. Have you ever been in a state of ono? Where you are at odds with everything be it work, school or your personal life? I was in a state of ono earlier this afternoon after receiving the news, but then I remembered that I was told by numerous people that I would experience the 3C's this year. The 3C discussion will be for another blog, but just know that I am already starting to see how they are working in my life, just by the news I received today. The 3Cs have to do with transitioning, which is why I have added an away message about transitioning. You see sometimes when I take a trip home, I take a non-stop flight on Southwest. I get my little snack pack and cranberry juice, read a book and perhaps, take a nap; but sometimes I have to layover. That is what I am facing today. A layover. Have you ever experienced a layover? A layover, not in the literal sense. I think that everyone faces layovers every once in awhile, but how do you deal with this layover. This state of ono. I have made peace with the news I received today that it was not in the cards for me. That sounds a little old wives tale-ish but I am serious. It goes back to Doris Day's Que Sera Sera song, which is very true in its melodies. Whatever will be will be. We may not see it while we are on that flight to our destination, but eventually all things do work out. I think part of ono is that it is a place where we come to while laying over. So, I sit here and continue to sip my cherry coke and eat my Cheese nips as the state of ono fades and I have a better perspective on life and all it's parts (friendships, work, school, etc). But I am learning as I continue in my transition that sometimes you have to open a door and close it at the same time, just like sometimes you cannot have a direct flight - you have to layover. Now I know that most of you reading this are like what am I talking about? Until you are in your transition and you will know when you are, you will not understand this.

Life has many parts, parts spelled backwards is strap.

SEXpectations Two: Dealing With Sex

I have been told that having sex before marriage is a sin. If that is the case, then I am a sinner, you the reader are probably a sinner and pretty much 99.9% of the world are sinners. Very few people hold sex dear to them and have the strength and composure to wait until marriage. Yes, GOD forgives us for our sins if we delight ourselves in him, but I wonder how he feels if we continue to perform these sins. Then we have the "born again" virgins. I do not remember reading anything about born agains in the Bible. If you can find the scripture, let me know. You can be re-born but nothing can replace what GOD had planned for waiting for sex while married. I will never know what kind of passion is felt on that honeymoon night. I had the pleasure of having my first time junior year in high school over a bottle of hypno. Anyway, but I just shake my head at the born agains because yes you can be saved and re-born but just repent to GOD and he will forgive you, why claim you are a born again if you've already had sex before marriage. I never can understand that.

People deal with their own fantasies and dreams, desires of the heart, etc in their own way. I was given some advice as to how to set the mood when having sex. Slow jams, whip cream. Foreplay and then the final exciting loop-de-loop. You know sex is a rollercoaster ride. Often times we expect so much from sex, that it overtakes us. But then once the deed is done, we somehow wonder why we expected so much from that person? Good sex is good sex, but have you really ever had good sex and define good. Moaning, groaning and sweating does not necessarily mean good sex. Ejaculation does not mean good sex. Climaxing does not mean good sex. The length of the time period you have sex does not mean good sex. Experience in the field of sex does not mean good sex. I constantly hear females discussing how inexperienced guys are in sex. When you have spread your legs that much, perhaps you need some counseling. How can you be so experienced at 20? Unless you have practiced that art of prostitution or slutdom, then you can talk to me about experience, because more than likely you have been with no more than 4 individuals. I mean some people are more popular than others so I'd stretch that number to about 7. The number of times you've had sex does not make you a pro. Again, I say what am I to expect out of sex. So far, I have been dissatisfied. I have had decent sex, but not good sex. All of the females I have been with have been decent, but not good. I am sorry to say that because I know there are some people who have had good sex, but define good. Having sex in the shower does not define good nor on a park bench. I guess the more you have sex, the better and MORE EXPERIENCED YOU become, whatever the fuck that means. And now we move to the discussion on oral sex. Is oral sex, sex? Yes, hint the name oral sex. I was having a discussion with my friend, Shani, about this. Your mouth is your way of communication. It is what you use to kiss your mommy with, so why would you put it in places and then kiss you mommy. For that reason alone, I do not kiss females in the mouth. I do not want any juices to get in my mouth cause that is just down right nasty and females you shouldn't be slobbin down males either cause some of them enjoy that good ole sushi and tossin salad (R.Kelly, style). It's real in these streets. See we have trouble talking about this because we do not want to face that oral sex is becoming a fad. People go down on anything and anyone they can find. It's all too real in these streets. It's sad when you have to worry about who you kiss in the mouth for fear of tasting something that is not so good. Kissing may be what you want but not what you need.

Ignorance Is Bliss

Is ignorance bliss? I don't know. I got that comment from a friend of mine. After eating some authentic mexican food, I ventured back to the Towers only to stop by my friend's room and have a discussion on I guess you could say memory. Memory is very powerful. There are things in this life that trigger certain memories, but what happens when you cannot remember anything? This is typically after a hangover so bad that you cannot stand up. I used to be like that. I would do things that I'd regret while drinking and then be like WTF the next morning as I was nursing myself back to the normal self and taking extra strength Tylenol and drinking fluids and eating bread or massive carb products. Anyway, this discussion began because I made reference to his party on Friday, partly, because it was an interesting celebration. I guess you could call it an End-of-the-Year spill because there was nothing but drinking, ahem, alcoholism going on. I started not to reveal anything about what happened on Friday to protect the innocent but then I said what the hell, I am in the business of pissing people WHY NOT. It began with some hip-hop music and a blender and ended up being a party with drunk MOFOS being loud and actin crazy. For one, I had to hold this girl up so she wouldn't fall. There were some other events that happened that night from what I observed and was told. Chocolate syrup. Massage oil. Coca-Cola classic. Hurricane. Apple Vodka. All of those played into that night. You can think whatever you want about that night. And then there was a bed, a party, some hip-hop music, a blender and a bunch of Black folks who persisted in practicing the art of alcoholism. Drunkness, drunkness, drunkness. It got to the point where my friend (not the one who I had the discussion with this evening, but another) had to ask me to take a walk. You know I don't drink, I just observe and make notes later so I can piss people off. That's how I do. When you read my book you'll know what I mean. I think that for the most part ignorance is bliss. It is. There is something about not knowing that some occurred that gives you a feeling of relief. In using the drunk example, you may do things while intoxicated that you may later regret but if the sober or less drunk person does not tell you about it then you are off the hook. If you believe that then I advise you to close this blog now. There is no such thing as no consequences for actions be it while drunk or otherwise. So yes, ignorance is bliss, but for a short time. Eventually, it comes back ten fold, whatever it is you did and I just hope that whatever you do while being drunk isn't life changing.