Tuesday, May 03, 2005

ONO (A New Part)

Ono means nothingness. Nothing. Nada. Niet. I am sitting in my room drinking some Safeway Select Cherry Coke and snacking on some Cheese Nips. I received some rather stunning news today, news that I'd rather not discuss but just know that I have not had a good day, but I am going on strong. I come with this blog to discuss ono. Have you ever been in a state of ono? Where you are at odds with everything be it work, school or your personal life? I was in a state of ono earlier this afternoon after receiving the news, but then I remembered that I was told by numerous people that I would experience the 3C's this year. The 3C discussion will be for another blog, but just know that I am already starting to see how they are working in my life, just by the news I received today. The 3Cs have to do with transitioning, which is why I have added an away message about transitioning. You see sometimes when I take a trip home, I take a non-stop flight on Southwest. I get my little snack pack and cranberry juice, read a book and perhaps, take a nap; but sometimes I have to layover. That is what I am facing today. A layover. Have you ever experienced a layover? A layover, not in the literal sense. I think that everyone faces layovers every once in awhile, but how do you deal with this layover. This state of ono. I have made peace with the news I received today that it was not in the cards for me. That sounds a little old wives tale-ish but I am serious. It goes back to Doris Day's Que Sera Sera song, which is very true in its melodies. Whatever will be will be. We may not see it while we are on that flight to our destination, but eventually all things do work out. I think part of ono is that it is a place where we come to while laying over. So, I sit here and continue to sip my cherry coke and eat my Cheese nips as the state of ono fades and I have a better perspective on life and all it's parts (friendships, work, school, etc). But I am learning as I continue in my transition that sometimes you have to open a door and close it at the same time, just like sometimes you cannot have a direct flight - you have to layover. Now I know that most of you reading this are like what am I talking about? Until you are in your transition and you will know when you are, you will not understand this.

Life has many parts, parts spelled backwards is strap.


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