Monday, February 28, 2005

Black History Blog

Since it's the last day of Black History month, I thought about writing about history but you can read that in a book so instead I am going to take this opportunity to talk about my people.

1) Black people are self-hating. We are our own worst enemy and because of this we cannot move up in the world. There will be no Jefferson lifestyle for most of us because our fellow brothers and sisters are holding us back with this why him/her mentality. It is a tragic state of affairs when we as a people cannot get along because someone is making it and you aren't. What is that about? Be happy that your brothas and sistas are making it because the white man has done enough for us to have a hard time, I don't need a Black person holding me back as well.

2) Black people are just as racist as others. You know I am right about this one. We sit and talk about other races just like they sit and talk about us. Why is that? Isn't there anything else we can do so we don't stoop to the level of others? Read a book, clean your room, travel the world, go to a museum. There are so many other ways to spend your time than talking about people. I think that by me being at an African American university, that I probably will embrace white folks and latinos much more once I leave here because I have seen many sides of Black people that I don't really care for.

3) The Look Me In The Face And Not Say Nothing Mentality. It is amazing to me how Black people continue to look each other in the eye and not say anything. Are my pupils that fun to look at? Are my waves good enough for you? Do I have something on jacket or sweater that attracts you? A simple hello or nod would do just fine. Otherwise, do not look at me. Look at the grass or the sidewalk concrete. I shake my head because it's 2005 and Black people still do this. I said yo and hello my freshman and sophomore year so much and did not get a response that I have stopped. I am 20 going on 21, people need to grow up.

4) The Something For Nothing Mufuckas. These are the groups of Black folks who think they are going to get somewhere in life and have GPAs that are laughable. How can you really think you are going to be successful and you have a GPA of 2.3? C's, D's and F's don't get you anywhere but putting lettuce on a burger or washing a car. Maybe 7-Eleven will hire you. Yes, experience does count but grades do matter. Stop just getting by. You aren't paying all this money or rather your parents aren't paying all this money for you to sit on your ass all day and do just enough to get a C.

5) The Self Proclaimed Nigga. These are the people who think they are Black and no one else is. They feed off the assumption that all Blacks are ghetto, niggerish and BLACK. Black is a color, not an attitude or personality and the sooner one realizes that we are all in the same boat just like the people in the Middle Passage, the better off they will be. Ghetto is not something to try and attain. Ibonics is not a language you should try to learn like Spanish.

6) Non-Rappers trying to be rappers. I have one thing to say to this and this is not hating so don't even think I am hating. If you were a good rapper you would not be in college; you'd have a record deal with a record company plain and simple. Granted you have to make moves and all, and we all have dreams but focus on your education not trying to make the next "Candy Shop."

Remember, life has many parts. It's just up to you to figure out which ones you want to sweep under the rug/carpet. I'm getting better at these wouldn't you say?

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Part One and 3/4ths

1) I just came back from church with my friend, Reka. It was good. There is nothing like praisin the Lord. I suggest you make the Lord your savior like I did because there is nothing like it. Don't HATE, PRAISE.

2) I was entering the towers (the luxurious dorm I reside in...I need to stop lying) just a few minutes ago and the door was locked. You know how you have to scan your ID card and show it to the man or woman sitting @ the desk. I must ask this question: why is it that they ask for your ID when you haven't taken it out and don't ask for it when you have searched through all of the things in the your wallet, (metro cards, Giant card, Safeway card, CVS card, etc). It makes me extremely mad and then what has steam coming out of my ears is the fact that the people know I live here yet still ask me. I guess I looked like a bum on the street with my green and grey Addidas jacket and dockers on and church shoes. Yeah, that just says BUM! I don't think any of the clothes I wear give the bum impression yet I am stopped all the time when I enter this dorm and I have been here since the summer.

3) I went to Walmart after church today and bought Saw. The cashier asked to see my Driver's License because she didn't think I looked 17. You know Walmart has that stipulation that you have to be at least 17 to buy movies that have violence or nudity in them. After telling her that I was born in 84 she continued to ask me for it. "You don't look 20," she said. Last time I checked I have been on this earth for 20 years. I guess she must have thought I was 12 or something. So after that I went to Mickey D's and ordered a chicken mcgrill meal (that rhymes doesn't it...McDonald's is smart). I had to ask the lady for my cup and she called me impatient. NO BIAAACCCHH I paid for my watered down Sprite so give me my damn cup. And on top of that her name was Erquita. That's sad that Latin names are getting as bad as African American names. Itas are just as popular as ishas. So I am 12 and impatient. There are so many LMAOs in DC, Maryland and VA. I have never come across such ignorance in my life since I've been here.

4) I can't really watch the Oscars because I have a 10 chapter Nutrition test tomorrow. But I didn't really want to watch it anyway because it's long and Black men don't watch the Oscars, although, Chris Rock should make it funny. Hopefully, Jamie Foxx wins, but the Academy is racist so he'll probably go home with the Golden Globe he came there with. Stop, wait for it...

5) I am happy. I received news from a good friend of mine and it was confirmed by some others. If you know me then you know what the news was. I just hope it happens and I get the opportunity because I've been wanting this for a long time now.

Black History blog coming tomorrow.

Remember, life has many parts. Sometimes you just gotta cut them up into pieces. Another laim one liner, but you got this far. I just needed to end this with something.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Part One.5

1) It's Saturday afternoon, and I am in the station doing my show and some thoughts are coming to my head. I began to reflect on a discussion I had with my friend from Cali and his psychological examination of me. It would seem that I am loved by many women, however, not a one seems to like me enough or love me enough to want a relationship with me. I seem to have encountered a friendship zone problem where girls see me as their relationship psychiatrist and nothing more than a mere shoulder to cry on. There is that word cry again. I thought about starting a revolt against Howard women (note: not all) who seem to want a gangsta for a boyfriend (or a THUG type) instead of an intellectual like myself. I have noticed that they smile in my direction, however, see me for nothing more than a Kleenex tissue to blow their snot and tears onto. I think that I need to get out more. After talking to my friend, who is very wise, I began to realize that he is right. I need to get out more and seek women at other campuses. I might need to open up the color lines and date a white girl or a latin one. I know that would cause some confusion at Howard bringing either one around. I think I'd be the talk of this shithole of a campus. Excuse the language, I am working on that (being recently saved and all). I keep hearing from family that I have my whole life ahead of me, why would I want to complicate things with a relationship. I hear a voice telling me to focus on the 16 credits I have and kick back until I have to take the LSat, but I need a girl in my life, a companion....not a cheap fuck...cause I could get that if I wanted to.

2) I completed two chapters of my second work entitled....Simply Love. The title is supposed to give you this warm feeling inside of butterflies. Of dandelions and roses, chocolate kisses and romantic dinners, but this is an erotic book full of the fantasies and realities of people I have talked to and my own. A riveting book of a side of my writing you haven't read. I am going to keep this under wraps but I am willing to let you read part of Life In Many Parts (the first book I finished), which hopefully gets published in the next 2 yrs. A few have read it and have enjoyed it. It chronicles my life and if you know me you are in it.....

3) I have recently become a fan of the OC. Yep, another teenage drama about rich white kids in suburbia. It's actually pretty good and entertaining since it revolves around Orange County, California (california, good ole cali), more specifically....Newport Beach. I now anxiously wait every Thursday to get away from my life and into the lives of fake white kids. It is another reason not to do homework or study for my classes. Oh well, I am now a fan.

Remember, life has many parts, and they all fall together into place. Yeah, I keep coming up with these one liners that make no sense. I just need something to end this with.

Friday, February 25, 2005

Part One

1) Why is Blog aka Blogger aka Blogspot so slow? I joined two days ago only to just now post my the first part, well actually not the first part but the first anything. Yes, people, this is the first time I've actually been able to express my thoughts without someone editing it or telling me what I need to add or delete. Can't I for once just say how I feel with every mispelling and ibonic word, damn! So tonight, I went to see Million Dollar Baby, which was very good. It was a perfect way to spend a friday night with a depressing movie and no popcorn or Sour Patch Kids. The movie was full of lighthearted death and wisecracks. I suggest you go see it and cry, you know crying is good - according to Lyfe. In case you don't know who Lyfe is he is an emerging musician who felt the need to create a track in the studio about crying - not crying, but guessed it crying. Million Dollar Baby deserves all its praise and nominations. I could ruin it for you but someone has probably already done that.

2) I am supposed to be using this to express my thoughts on love. I'm going to do just that I have love. Love for food. Love for music. Love for Black women (note: some not all) and love for me,myself and I. Yep, folks, like the song says That's what it's all about (not the Hokey Pokey dumbass) but the De La Soul classic. I've done it, I've just finished my first blog. Aren't you proud? Well, if you're not, I give you the finger. The one that falls between the index and the ring finger.

Remember Life has many parts, you just gotta decide which parts are worth reading first. Don't get it, hell, neither do I. It just sounded like something I should end this with.