Sunday, February 27, 2005

Part One and 3/4ths

1) I just came back from church with my friend, Reka. It was good. There is nothing like praisin the Lord. I suggest you make the Lord your savior like I did because there is nothing like it. Don't HATE, PRAISE.

2) I was entering the towers (the luxurious dorm I reside in...I need to stop lying) just a few minutes ago and the door was locked. You know how you have to scan your ID card and show it to the man or woman sitting @ the desk. I must ask this question: why is it that they ask for your ID when you haven't taken it out and don't ask for it when you have searched through all of the things in the your wallet, (metro cards, Giant card, Safeway card, CVS card, etc). It makes me extremely mad and then what has steam coming out of my ears is the fact that the people know I live here yet still ask me. I guess I looked like a bum on the street with my green and grey Addidas jacket and dockers on and church shoes. Yeah, that just says BUM! I don't think any of the clothes I wear give the bum impression yet I am stopped all the time when I enter this dorm and I have been here since the summer.

3) I went to Walmart after church today and bought Saw. The cashier asked to see my Driver's License because she didn't think I looked 17. You know Walmart has that stipulation that you have to be at least 17 to buy movies that have violence or nudity in them. After telling her that I was born in 84 she continued to ask me for it. "You don't look 20," she said. Last time I checked I have been on this earth for 20 years. I guess she must have thought I was 12 or something. So after that I went to Mickey D's and ordered a chicken mcgrill meal (that rhymes doesn't it...McDonald's is smart). I had to ask the lady for my cup and she called me impatient. NO BIAAACCCHH I paid for my watered down Sprite so give me my damn cup. And on top of that her name was Erquita. That's sad that Latin names are getting as bad as African American names. Itas are just as popular as ishas. So I am 12 and impatient. There are so many LMAOs in DC, Maryland and VA. I have never come across such ignorance in my life since I've been here.

4) I can't really watch the Oscars because I have a 10 chapter Nutrition test tomorrow. But I didn't really want to watch it anyway because it's long and Black men don't watch the Oscars, although, Chris Rock should make it funny. Hopefully, Jamie Foxx wins, but the Academy is racist so he'll probably go home with the Golden Globe he came there with. Stop, wait for it...

5) I am happy. I received news from a good friend of mine and it was confirmed by some others. If you know me then you know what the news was. I just hope it happens and I get the opportunity because I've been wanting this for a long time now.

Black History blog coming tomorrow.

Remember, life has many parts. Sometimes you just gotta cut them up into pieces. Another laim one liner, but you got this far. I just needed to end this with something.


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