Tuesday, April 29, 2008

America Saddens Me

At a time when the economy is crumbling, when Americans are dying every day in a senseless war, when Americans cannot afford health care; the media and everyone is still talking about Jeremiah Wright. I am appalled. Appalled at America for buying into the angry Black man hype. Americans live off of Black culture. Everything from Sean John jeans to Kanye West, Black people have contributed a lot to this country. America is scoffing over Reverend Wright, but in reality it is an unsound excuse not to vote for Barack Obama.

Using political maneuvering, the talking point has now become whether Obama showed the right judgment. Fearing a head negro in charge, the corporate fat cats and Obama's rather divisive opponents are capitalizing on this tribulation. I am watching an all out media circus who has brought Jeremiah Wright front and center for all to see, as if Jeremiah Wright will get me a job or force insurance companies to lower their premiums. When did it suddenly become okay to peak behind the door of a man's church? I thought we had a separation of church and state. No one is asking Hillary Clinton about her church or John McCain about his. Nope. The media is making a mockery of a man's reputation at the expense of Barack Obama.

America is making me sad. I am disgusted at how many on the conservative right and the liberal left are castigating Obama for his handling of the Wright situation. There are dozens of articles on the front pages of every newspaper about how Senator Obama's campaign is in hot water and has the potential of derailing because of some incendiary statements his pastor made. America acts as if Jeremiah Wright is going to be in the Oval office making critical decisions on behalf of the country.

What is even more rueful here is that race still matters. America cannot or just outrightly refuses to deal with the stains of its past. Or perhaps it believes like many believe that race is not a big issue. But looking at this denigration of both Jeremiah Wright and Barack Obama puts the final nail in that theory's coffin.

Instead of taking the time to appreciate someone like Jeremiah Wright, who yes has made remarks that were offensive, America is belittling him as being unpatriotic and anti-American. Why can't Jeremiah Wright speak out on things that bother him? People do it all the time, yet America seems have a slight problem because after all, Barack could feel that way! We don't need him in the White House if he believes the government is built on corruption and evil. We can't have him in there because he and Jeremiah Wright are one in the same or as MSNBC's Chris Matthews put it, Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde. He got Wright's views by osmosis. Bullshit.

I am sad. It is depressing to watch a racially divided America try and hold Obama's feet to the fire for things his pastor said. Everyone is wondering whether Wright will further damage Obama, but what we as Americans are failing to realize is that it is us who are damaged. Bottom feeding on the latest talking points and feasting off of scandal and gossip. Wright reveals just how divided we are as a country. It is a shame that we Americans do not see that. We are blinded by our own sanctimony and double standards believing that we have done no wrong. There is not much difference between back then and right now and from the looks of it, we are content on that path. I shudder to think where we all will be if we continue on this journey of severance. Only time will tell.

Life has many parts -

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

If Obama Is Not The Nominee....

I am wondering if Obama will in fact be the nominee. With all of the right wing attacks of petty bullshit, it would seem that the American people will most likely fall into the same trap that the GOP set in 00 and 04. Perhaps, they will paint Obama as a Marxist/Socialist/Fascist come November. I believe McCain when he says he will not attack Obama, however, he will allow his surrogates over at Fixed News and the conserative radio peeps to try and damage Obama. I am even more surprised that Billary continues to try and say that Obama has not passed the commander in chief test, yet she is willing to offer the VP slot to him. Now she is trying to compare him to Gore and Kerry as being elitist because he eats arugula. After all eating organic food is elitist, right? This coming from someone who has made over $109 million. Hmm, whose elitist? I'm beginning to wonder if the country is in fact ready for a biracial President? I mean even on the left side of the aisle, we have Black folk like Tavis and Bob Johnson making dismissive commentary on someone who could make history. The latter of course agrees with Geraldine Ferraro, who claimed that Obama was an affirmative action candidate because after all, he couldn't possibly be winning votes because of his plan. It of course, has to be because of his skin color as if that is an advantage in this country. In many ways, we haven't come a long way. In fact, we are reliving the Jim Crow era all over again just with different players and on a more subtle scale. I have contemplated voting for a third party candidate because I am at a point now where Billary just won't do. She's definitely thrown the kitchen sink at Obama and I have a hard time now just looking at her. I will not ever vote for McCain, who is already having senior moments. So that leaves the third party candidate. I believe if Obama is the nominee, he will win the Presidency, but it will be a tough wall to climb because the neocons of this world will be more divisive than the Billary campaign has been.

Last to play....
Mariah Carey - Bye Bye
Janet Jackson - Can't Be Good
Usher - Love In This Club
Ray J - Wait A Minute

Life has many parts -