Monday, March 07, 2005

Throwback (The End of Part Two)

I am slowly finding myself going back to my old ways, which is not a good thing. I had told myself that after the summer of 02 that I would be a new person, but some things are forcing me to revert back to who I was before I came to DC. I came back from class and watched Above The Rim for the umpteenth time and now I am watching Menace To Society. Throwbacks are wats up. I went to Rockville with my friend, Arian, and the entire time we listened to R&B throwbacks like "Candy Rain," "Before You Walk Out My Life," "Tell Me," "Swing My Way," even "Funky Y2C." All those songs brought back memories, wonderful memories. I think that times are going to get much worse before they get better,however.

I realized that I still have feelings for this girl who I've known for awhile. I had a dream about her last night, which leads me to believe that my unconscious is trying to tell me something. You know they say when you meet someone you know whether or not you want to have anything to do with them whether it be relationship or otherwise. I met this girl and I was immediately drawn to her. There was something about her that was unlike anyone who I'd ever come across. It was so bad that I actually had a fantasy about her for a week straight. I haven't seen her in awhile, but I can picture her in my head and it makes me smile. A real smile, not a fake one. There is no time like the present so I have to tell her that I still like her, just so she'll know. Maybe we can have a relationship. I think it's GOD's way of telling me to go for it. One thing that really made me think of her was all the slow songs I was listening to last night. I was on the phone til 4 AM with one of my best friends from back home. I was telling her that I was feeling kind of down and she knew exactly what to say to make me feel better. She told me that I should go for it with the girl I still like after all this time. To tell you the truth, I don't think I ever stopped liking her, I just became preoccupied and did not really think about her as much, but she was still there in the corner of my mind. Wish me luck because I'm going to tell her how I feel. I am taking a risk laying my cards on the table, but hopefully, something good comes out of it since I am currently experiencing relationship block.

Helado es delicioso. I bought some Hagen Daaz (the spelling may be off), more specifically Peaches & Cream. That is some expensive ice cream but it is good. I ate almost the whole thing, but I decided to have the rest of it for breakfast. It's quite nutritious...Peaches = Fruit; Ice Cream = Dairy. Breakfast of Champions...oops that is Wheaties.

Life has many day I'll find how many I have.


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