Sunday, March 06, 2005

New Thoughts (Part Two...Still Not Finished)

Ever seen Sesame Street In Spanish?...I have. They have more characters on there than Elmo, Grover and Cookie Monster. I don't know why I watched it yesterday but I did and it brought me back to my childhood, which was a good thing because I can go back there whenever I am feeling like this adulthood thing isn't working out. Shoutout to Univision, channel 44 on HU's campus.

In the previous blog, I wrote about me deciding not to pursue my friend's friend due to the fact that my friend wants 2 holla @ her. I am cool with it, but I did not know that my friend, Shani, would be so interested in knowing who the friend was I was letting pursue the girl I was interested in. I mean I am being a really good friend by letting my friend holla @ her right? Could I be giving up the possibility of a relationship and not even know it? Well, it is meant to be...then she'll return. That is usually how things work anyway. I am wondering if there is anything remotely possible relationship wise in the near future for me, considering I seem to be wearing relationship repellant. I can continue to be the psychiatrist, confidant, and shoulder to cry on, but not anything relationshippy. Luckily, spring break is coming up. I need the break more than I thought I did. I think I might cut myself off from the world up until I get ready to leave for California. I need some time to think about what I need to do from here because what I seem to be doing isn't working. I have come to the conclusion that I have not been in a relationship in so long that girls can somehow sense that and refrain from trying or attempting anything. That plane ride to Cali can't get here soon enough. Saturday is only a few days away, okay maybe more than a few.

I did not go to church today because I overslept.But I did open my Bible and read a psalm or two. I did end up going to the grocery store and then took a drive along Rockville Pike listening to rock throwbacks. My favorite one at the moment is "Everlong" by The Foo Fighters. I came back and watched Above The Rim and grubbed on some of my leftover chinese food and then got ready for Shani's bday party @ Clyde's restaurant. It was about 10 of us, I think. We were late getting there and on top of that the waitress was kind of unattentive to our hunger needs. One of the things she forgot was to bring out bread. But it was an interesting experience and I had fun, as did the others. After that, I ventured over to the east towers and chilled with some peeps who went to Shani's bday. I just got back and I am very tired, which is probably why I am not being sarcastic.

So I have officially decided to leave in December. The Howard experience is not an experience anymore. 16 credits this semester, 1 class in the summer and 12 in the fall and then I am out of here and back to Cali, where I should have been in the first place. So no more trying to write for the more radio station more Cali Club, WSC, EPP after December. Why did I give USC up for this shit? What the hell was I thinking? I have met people who I'll definitely KIT with after I leave. You know they say the BLACK experience isn't for everyone, well I have realized I am one of those people. 3 and 1/2 years isn't bad...I think I'll treasure my Howard experience dealing with the A building, the food in the cafe that makes you sick, the classes, the professors, the people I have come across...overall Howard gets a D-, what is that not a good enough grade? The only reason it didn't fail HU is because I think that Howard is way beyond repair. I take pity on it now. But there is nothing utopic - which is what I am constantly reminded of - Who could have said USC would have been better?

The Ordinary People Remix is different but I like it. I heard it on WHUR. Shoutout to John Legend for making good music, unlike B5, Omarion, and other raggedy feces (if that is spelled wrong break out your dictionary and find the correct spelling, because I just don't give a shit about editing this) that exist in the music industry nowadays. Now I see what my grandma means when she says that all the music of today is nothing but noise because for the most part it is. I would say good night, but it's morning and I am not in the business anymore of being nice because it has gotten me nothing but friendships and the prestages of developing a state of loneliness, which is not a good state to be in. If you have ever been there, then you know. I guess you could say I am lonely, but not alone, because I have family and GOD, who I rely on more than anything. Friends, hey, I have learned that in this world that the previous 2 things stated earlier are all that you really have when it comes down to it. You are lucky enough if you get 2 good friends while on Earth. Most of the people you meet are just associates. Believe me I learned that the hard way. Sometimes you have to learn things the hard way before they really sink in.

Life has many parts...__________________(you fill in the blank)


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