Tuesday, March 01, 2005

The End of Part One

1) The new Toni Braxton song is hot, you gotta hear it. I know everyone thinks that she is played out because of her last cd which did not do too well, but her new song is very good.

2) Apparently, The Game has been dropped from G-Unit. Yep, yesterday on Hot 97 in NY, 50 Cent was saying that he had written most of Game's album and that he makes more money off of that cd than the Game is. There were some shots fired in the station and 50 ran out. I think this is hilarious. 50 Cent is pissin niggas off unecessary. He is one of those people who love confusion. Like 8ball & MJG say "we don't need no drama." 50 does not need any more bullet wounds.

3) A new appreciation for the Chicken & Bacon sandwich @ Subway. That sandwich is good as I don't know what especially with the toasted bread. Subway needs to be commended for its wonderful food. Apparently more and more people are seeking the Atkins diet, not saying that that sandwich is anywhere near Atkins because it isn't. Atkins this, atkins that, if you really want to lose weight, exercise and eat nutritionally and last time I checked fast food in general is not nutritious. You might wanna consider shopping at your nearest Whole Foods instead of Giant or Safeway or for all you cheapos out there: Shoppers.

4) Shoutouts to Jamie Foxx and Morgan Freeman who picked up Oscars on Sunday. I think Chris Rock was out of line, but funny. Many people have complained about his comments and the fact that he was hosting but they would not have asked him if they did not want him. That is like asking Richard Pryor or Bernie Mac to perform their comedy and telling them not to curse. And what was even more pitiful was that Sean Penn really got mad when Chris Rock asked who Jude Law was. That was funny because he said "he is one of our finest actors." To me, he is just another white actor who managed to get a break.

5) Did you hear Tom Cruise is illiterate? Yes, he is. Apparently, the actor memorizes his lines from a cassette tape or someone reading them to him because he cannot read because he has a severe form of dyslexia. Do you think that if he was Black that he would have even gotten the chance to perform in movies? Nope, I doubt it. Blacks barely get chances now and they are literate.

6) Black History month is over. Howard University had nothing during the month of February to celebrate how far we come, even though we have not come far. The most notable HBCU has no events concerning Black History. Pageants and auctions do not count as Black History events.

7) The Michael Jackson trial coverage is on E. Have they not embarrassed that man enough? I mean granted Michael brought this on himself with his warm milk and stories around the fireplace, but I commend him for not bowing down to a family that just wants his money. I am mad at E for wanting to show the trial and for the judge for allowing the media to make a circus about this.

Remember, life has many parts. Sometimes you just have to look for them like Baloo looks for the Bare Necessities... you know mother nature's recipes. Ha, that is my cynical comedy for today. Did I spell that word right? SAT words often get misspelled soweee.


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