Monday, March 21, 2005


Sorry about the title. Got carried away with the keyboard and all its key-ness. I missed one class today, my 9:10 because I was tired and didn't feel like going. After my Marketing class which ended @ 2, I went to pick up Lauren from BWI. I am such a good friend - aren't I? Thumbs down to you if you don't agree because after all it's not about you it's about me and me only. On the way home, Lauren was telling me about her airline escapades and if you wish to know them, ask her. I am not in the business of telling other people's stories...I will however say that I got a good laugh at what she told me. The strangest things seem to happen to my friends. Did I tell you about the old lady who hit on me while I was at Fatburger in Cali? Yep, she was like 60 or so. I mean if I had reciprocated the flirting that would be like super wrong and plus no need at her society ladies telling her that she is robbing the cradle for companionship. Gino damn near choked on his fries cause he was laughing so much. Luckily, she didn't try to pinch my cheek cause that would have been just....well just....well just..........................nasty. Plain and simple. I mean sure I could have pulled a Winston a la How Stella Got Her Groove Back, but that would be like me dating my grandma. Sure she'd make me apple pie and we'd trade stories and she'd teach me to crochet and sew, (WHAT FUN!!!!!) but nope.

The Knock Off Brands @ Giant. Giant has gone too far. Since when did it become okay to make knock off brands or generic as they call them. I mean I saw Twisteos (Oreo knock off). But there is this store in STL called Aldi, if you live in the Midwest, or South you may know about them. They sell nothing but knock off foods. Fruit Chutes, Cocoa Rocks, things of that nature for cereal. Breads consist of Ponder, Home Hope and the good ole Aldi brand. As for other foods, they have Helen's Chocolate Syrup, Aunt Mamie's Pancake Syrup and Minute Made Orange Juice (look at the last one more closely). Those are all real brands by the way. Isn't that copyright infringement? If so, Aldi should be shut down but it does save you some dollars and sense (I thought I'd use an appropriate knock off of the word cents, it only seemed right).

Phenylktonurics: Contains phenylalanine. What the shit is that? For all of you food buffs out there that is aspartame sweetner for short. Apparently it's a fad now to consume Equal and Splenda related foods. What the hell? You only have one life to live, so why not dump some raw cane sugar in your tea the next time you want to curl up underneath the covers on a rainy me, you may be better off using raw sugar than scientifically man-made sugar substitute. And they have a salt sub too called NO SALT.

My thoughts have receded for the moment. When they return another blog will appear on my webpage. For now, peace and remember, life has many parts, man I'm losing it on these one-liners.


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