Thursday, July 07, 2005

Haven't You Had Enough??!!!

Haven't you had enough??!!! of hearing about how they have heightened the terror alert? Haven't you had enough??!!! of listening to the same songs on the radio? or how about eating the same foods because there is no variety in the fast food joints like McDonald's, Sonic, Burger King, Steak & Shake, Checkers, and the like, or how about watching the same movies just with different titles and actors? Haven't you had enough of being treated like a kid although you are seen as an adult in the eyes of the law? Haven't you had enough of having relationships that suck or friendships that fizzle out? Haven't you had enough of people who come into your life to suck it up? It doesn't do any of us any good to sit around and take all of this stuff without trying to enact change. I constantly hear people talk about what the A building is doing to them, but what are you doing? Don't you know that people in the A building are set in their ways and need to be updated. I am sick of people complaining about having to show their ID when entering the Towers, that is pure protocol. Why are you complaining, and not doing anything about it? People say they hate Howard because it's ghetto, but have you done anything to make it less ghetto and more professional? We encourage all of the crackheads and bums to hang around here because we do not do what we know is right to do: give them some money so they can go on somewhere. Instead we have trivial conversations or ignore them and that only adds fuel to the fire. Haven't you had enough of not getting good grades? I wish someone would hear me on this. We cannot get anything done until a change occurs. We sit around in the Punchout complaining about the type of food served yet I don't hear anything about someone complaining about it. Why do you continue to eat the same ole stuff and you do not like it? Why support stuff? It is like those of you out there who watch television just because it's on....yet do not really like what is on TV. Haven't you had enough of the foolishness on tv? I remember when television was good which wasn't that long ago. I remember TGIF: Family Matters, Step By Step, Boy Meets World & Dinosaurs. I remember when Cheers went off the air, and The Cosby Show when Theo graduated on the last ep. Although, I was young, I still remember when TV was good. Or how about recent stuff like Sex & The City, or The Sopranos..which is being cancelled after this next season. They are cancelling good tv to usher in pathetic garbage. Haven't you had enough??!!! I have and am seriously considering getting a group together to enact change, because it is time for something to change even if it's minor, but we cannot sit around and do nothing. I constantly hear people on the elevator talking about things that annoy them yet I do not hear them trying to do anything about it. Where would we be if MLK had not done anything or Malcolm X, Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandela and all the rest....Haven't you had enough??!!!

Life has many parts....I am starting to have enough of the ones I've had so far!!!


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