Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Black History Blog

Last year, I wrote a Black History blog post and this year will be no different. So here it goes.

1) Lack of Color on the Tube - There seems to be a lack of Black folk on the tv. Black folk have become obsolete. I mean even Stepin Fetchit had the opportunity to mumble a few words on screen even if it was some shuck and jive bull. More & more Black shows are getting cut - and it's disgraceful and yet African Americans entertain these dumb shows that are shown on major networks. There are a few shows on television that have been on for a long time. How they have survived, I'm not quite sure. Perhaps you have the answer cause I'm scratching my head and mumbling about it. It seems that is what Blacks are good for - not speaking up on issues that affect us.

2) Get Some Crunk In Yo System - I do not know if this is a law that was passed in all states, but in Missouri, they have passed a law that prohibits the bumpin of music down public and private streets. Apparently, the senior citizens cannot enjoy their retirement because some Black negro is bumpin that Nelly and TI in their cars. What is wrong with that? Would they feel the same way if I were bumpin Enya or music from Rent? I doubt there would be a law. This is yet another way to keep the Black man down because the law was directed at Black men predominantly, because we have to play our music. People should be spending more time on why there aren't enough textbooks in a classroom or why crime is up in their city? No, they are worried about a young bro listenin to Luda in his car. Where are our priorities?

3) Denominationalism - Black people are good for sticking with the religious dogmas and creeds. Religion has become a gang. Religion has become a process like picking good watermelons or grapes. Black people for some reason feel that in 06, someone really cares if they are Pentecostal or AME or Seventh Day Adventist. Aren't we all worshipping the same God? Is your God not the God of Abraham, Issac & Jacob? There are people today who will go to cities and ask where the COGIC church is. That is sad - because religion has taken over. We are more concerned about the denomination than the God who resides in the church.

4) Condi Rice Running For Pres - Hmmm, that could be interesting. Of course, she would continue the lies about WOMD and endorse the War. I mean she has already. She is continuing to have luncheons with Bush and coffee receptions with the manipulative cabinet that runs our country. I hope Condi runs against Ms. Clinton. I believe that she'd give Condi a run for her money - literally. Condi has been called a house negro. When I look at her I picture a shufflin maid with a bonnet that is asking massa is he hungry. That is an image, wouldn't you say?

5) Madea - A Modern Day Amos & Andy - This is ridiculous. There are critics out there who say that Tyler Perry is not doing anything special. They claim his comedy is nothing short of coonery and hijinks. There are some Black folks who feel this way too. They say that Perry is just following in the footsteps of Amos & Andy and the unlucky kids who played Buckwheat and Farina in the Little Rascals. That is a problem that Black people have. We do not like to see other Blacks successful. That boggles my mind. As long as we have struggled as a race, one should be glad that one is getting some recognition for their work. I mean grossin $50 mil on your first week at the box office is a lot of money that many of us do not have - but don't hate, congragulate.

That's all I have.

Life has many parts -


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