Monday, February 27, 2006

Life In Many Parts

My blog is officially one year old. It doesn't seem like it, partly because for awhile there I was writing almost everyday and now I write when I feel like it. I had frequent visitors to my blog and then all of a sudden - the viewership slowed down a bit. I believe it had something to do with my non-stop talk about friendships and my posts on religion. I spent the majority of October and November of 05 discussing how bad I was treated by the so-called friends of mine, and many of them read my blog. Am I mad that they probably don't read anymore? Nope. My posts on religion seemed to spark some discussion via AOL Instant Messenger from various people and there were a few comments that were left by readers of the posts. I began to think - is my blog too much for the public? Does my writing go overboard on occasion? I tried to analyze how my blog has evolved over the past year and I've come to one conclusion - I've gotten more insane with my posts. The rather corny, yet significant life in many parts sayings that follow each post and the many, many lists of slow jam recs, gospel lyrics and poems. I try to appeal to all - but I'm most likely only appealing to those who can tolerate sarcasm on various subjects, do not mind reading post after post on the same subject just with an added touch. I wonder how my book will do on the stands - hopefully, good. I would hate to see it used as a coaster at an elegant dinner party or found in the bottom of a box at a yard sale. Perhaps, I might tone it down just a little bit - nah. I've just begun....

Life has many parts -


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