Sunday, July 10, 2005

Step Out of The Grip II

I don't know what it is about this desire or this need to attach yourself to people. We have been around people so long that we get them under our skin and it seems like life cannot go on if you do not let them go. I guess it is harder for some people to let go than others but that is nothing but a grip of fear that is working in you. Why is there this feeling because you should never let anyone get that big of a hold on you where you cannot make it without them? It makes me itch and scratch to know how many silly people afix themselves to individuals who manipulate and do nothing but harm in their life. Why do you sit back and let this crap happen to you? You deserve better than people afixing themselves to your life and sucking up your happiness. Everyone has issues, but there comes a point in time where you will not sacrifice achieving your goals and purpose for unnecessaries. There are people I know who are so confused and manipulated by people that they cannot even fathom this concept. They sit back as if everything is peachy yet it is not. It is anything but. They delve themselves into work and games, yet they are swimming in a cesspool of afixed people who have invaded their lives. We should learn from experiences and move on from them and leave the past where it is. People dwell in the past negatives and tragedies instead of focusing on the green pastures and the flowing rivers.

Another thing that is interesting is this need to impress and prove things to people. What is this? Are you not comfortable with who you are? People say yeah yeah, I am, yet they will act like Sambos and Pickaninnies at the beck & call of people who do not like them in the first place. When are we going to realize who are our friends and who aren't. You can go several years thinking someone is your friend and find they were your foe all along, yet some people have this problem of letting go. I challenge you to lose that grip and step out of it. Begin to walk in happiness and down a path even if you have to walk by yourself. People want attention from other people, but for what. I ask myself, when people try and impress, who are they? Last time I checked you were in the same college boat I was, paying the same tuition, living in the same conditions as a student and taking classes like me. Since when did you become better than me. No matter of creativity, knowledge, money or dress makes you better than me. YOUR life is not dependent on other people, although, most people feel like you need someone to line up with you. I challenge you to lose that grip. Let go of all of this confusion, jealousy, and misery. Be upright and strut down the Yellow Brick Road towards victory. And then we have these people who feel they can assess you simply by where you are. I am compelled to say that no one knows you but you. Let me say that again no one knows you but you. People may have created an understanding of you by what they see, but that ain't you and they don't know you. When people see that what you are is not the image they have created of you in their mind, it boggles them. They become angry and manipulative. When do you say enough is enough and take some time and focus on YOU. Not your mother, not your father, not your friends, but YOU. Step out of the grip, it will literally free you from garbage that is stinking up your life.