Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The Ramblings of A 21 Year Old

I was talking with a friend of mine two nights ago. I had not talked on the phone that long since junior high school. I was kind of worried though because I had no ear bud in and they tell me you can get cancer from the radiation. She was telling me that I should have some pride about my university. "Buy an alumni tag, or a keychain," she said. I thought about it and I'll save my money. I can put it towards something worthwhile. Can't you sense my bitterness? I thought it would be gone but there is still a small smidgen that remains and every now and then it will rise up and I become a totally different person. I almost went off on a Circuit City lady the other day. The words were on the tip of my tongue. Sometimes you just gotta slapahoe or hitabitch, my friend tells me. It makes you feel better, but I have never hit a woman and will not ever regardless of how she treats me or makes me feel. I am adjusting to not having anything to do for awhile. It feels pretty darn good. I am relaxing darn near everyday. I have picked up some good reading material - The Hip Hoptionary. An educational piece. It is quite fascinating to learn what gank means as well as metaphorplay. I think I will start using some them on a day to day basis. I have to challenge a grade - hmm....I thought I was quite through with HU. That rhymes. I am trying to be civil but this class was so trivial that they should just give everyone an A just for going, but not muaw. I have to deal with challenging the grade. I started just to leave it alone, but something told me to challenge the dumb woman. I want to see just how she arrived at that grade. In the words of Madea, "she gon te-lllll me."

Life has many parts, te-lllll me about em.


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