Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Let It Snow

So God allowed it to snow yesterday and everyone was going frantic on the roads. I had to leave work early because of the flurries and the fact that I had to take care of some things. You would think that DC, MD & VA would be prepared for the snow, but nope - the highway was a parking lot from Rockville until Georgia Avenue, which held up me getting back and working on a website that I had due for my computer class. I had the joy of listening to Christmas songs on the radio; you know one of those soft rock stations that plays 24 hour Christmas songs. I was hoping that Howard would cancel class this morning, but unfortunately the snow did not stick and now it's very sunny - but probably still nippy. I have less than a week now before I leave and I have not packed yet. I've tried to clean but it's just not gonna happen. I will probably end up throwing everything in a bag and directly into my car with the exception of my Microfridge, which will probably go to the Goodwill, and my television and computer.

Christmas shopping has never been a fav of mine partly because the statement is true - men just don't like to shop period for the most part. I have a hard time even buying new clothes, except when it's absolutely necessary for me to buy them. I still have my same orange Sean John hoodie and I've been wearing that for two years now. It still fits and still keeps me warm. But this holiday season, I am going to retire it. I'm speaking like it's a basketball jersey or something. It's going in a box and I'm pulling out something different, well not yet, but soon. The Sean John hoodie still has a few more days before it gets put down. Now I sound like it's a cat or dog.

Life has many parts, huge ones, big ones, small ones, little ones, enormous ones....the list goes on.

Last songs to play....
Creed - Higher
Fray - Cable Car
Fall Out Boy - Dance, Dance
Crazy Town - Butterfly
Metallica - Fuel
RHCP - Scar Tissue
Blink 182 - I Miss You