Wednesday, November 16, 2005


So I've got about two weeks before school is out. It's finally come down to three finals and me getting ready to move to the next level of life. I have always found that moving to a new level brings new challenges and reveals things. When I examined this further and decided what next to do with my life, I found that something is gained on every level and something is lost before you move to that next level. No one likes change. Everyone is comfortable with dealing with situations and people without any change. We as human beings somehow get it into our minds that things will always be the same - no matter what. Of course, there is a sense that change is inevitable, but no one wants to face change. Once one proceeds to the next level of life, there can be no looking back. One cannot go back to the level that they were previously on. You could look at it like this: once you bake a cake, you cannot get it back to its original state where the cake batter was sitting in the bowl with the eggs and butter, etc. It is here where the struggle begins because how do you let something go, when you have been used to it for so long? This is why change is so arduous and thus making it onerous to move to the next level of life. But in order to shift to the next level of life, you have to do things that do not make you feel good. There is agony of cutting things out of your life that you do not necessarily want to do but things occur that force you to make the decision to back away from things. Change is unsparing because you have to make a decision between leaving and cleaving to something. But sometimes you have defining moments in your life when you realize that the decision has to be made despite the pain and/or dole it causes. No decision is easy because there are always two or more choices in the decision and depending on the choice you make, it can have a vast impact on what happens on the next level of life.

Life has many parts - - - - -

Last songs to play on the ipod...
Cece Winans - Pray
Ricky Dillard - Take Me Back
Tonex - Bout A Thang
Kirk Franklin - Lookin For You
Donald Lawrence - The Best Is Yet To Come
Kurt Carr - The Blood Still Has Miraculous Power
Lisa McClendon - Hey Now