Friday, December 30, 2005

Constructive Criticism

I am officially a college grad. Funny though - it doesn't feel the way I thought it would. I guess it is because I do not have my degree as of yet. That piece of paper sure would put a smile on my face, but right now I will settle for just breathing a sigh of relief for finally completing something that it takes many years to do. Since I've been away from the district and all of its (insert ignorant word) stuff, I have been enjoying some quality time to the pillow and watching Nip/Tuck, plus some other cool things like deleting numbers from my phone, throwing away tons and tons of old papers and anything that resembles what used to be. I managed to check my grades in the midst of cleaning house and the stomach growls are done now. For a split second I thought I'd have to come back and beat down a professor over a grade, but I was quickly calmed by a nice little pill of motrin. I am embarking on a journey to writing land, where people praise you work just as much as they put it down. My mother calls it constructive criticism, but I call it - "when you have spent years on something and someone says it's good, but you need to change some things," then I have to get a little edgy. How can you ask me to alter the events of my life, when the story itself is based on my life? Of course, from my POV, the story is quite good. Not as good as many things I've written but it'll do for a first publish. I thought of sending signed copies to the deadbeats that I've run into over the years, but what good would that do. My book would probably become a coaster or become shredded. I am convinced that this book will be a great addition to the world. Right there next to the likes of the best of as someone once put it "inflammatory writers."

Life has many parts, the parts tick and tock....


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