Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Keeping Up Appearances Part Four: A Look In The Mirror

I had to take a good look at myself in the mirror and ask myself: do I like the person I see reflecting back @ me? I concluded, yes, mainly because it is important to have self-love. If you don’t love yourself, who will? The central purpose of this rather stupid experiment was to tackle the many jumbled thoughts that are floating around in my head regarding the many people I’ve encountered during my time on this Earth. I have been called everything from cocky to guarded to uptight – and I took a glance in the mirror today to see if I see these attributes that people have yoked onto me. As I said in the previous post, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The labels people place on you are some of the most atrocious things ever. People have their own perceptions, and they try to yoke that stuff on you. This is what damages people’s self-esteem and their perception of themselves. I have always said that people who talk about others have a psychological problem. I have smirked at a joke or two sure, but I can honestly admit that I’ve never been one to talk about people. It’s not in my nature, because I cannot stand people talking about me. It doesn’t bother me, but usually, people aren’t saying wonderful things. Most of the time it’s slander or destructive comments. You’d think that the person was the best thing since cornbread, but the grass is always greener on the other side. But most people do not acknowledge this concept. They drum up this appearance that becomes hardened overtime and it is hard to believe that there can be anything wrong with them. I have noticed that people cannot take what they dish out. They are quick to lash out a quick remark but I’ve found when you begin to describe their weaknesses they want to beat you down because people would rather misleading notions than truth, just like they’d rather have darkness than light. Then there are those people who you tell them something or ask them not to do something, and they act as if they haven’t heard you. Back during my freshman year, I was sitting in the health clinic waiting for a meningitis shot and the lady miscalled my name. My birth name is Kyle – but she misread it, saying Lyle and several associates of mine were around and heard it and they decided that that would be my nickname. After asking them not to call me that, they still sometimes let it slip out. It has become some kind of joke among them. Me, being the laid back and kind person that I am, has not cooked up some retributive name for them although in the ingenious roads in my mind – I’m sure I’d could have came up with something. I have come to the point now where it goes in one ear and out the other because I have found that people like to find out what pushes your buttons, but that is an entirely different subject for another post. For now I relish in loving myself and letting people’s comments go in one ear and out the other.