Monday, September 26, 2005

Bueno y Malo

The value of a person is not what is on the outside, contrary to popular belief, but it is what is on the inside. Most of the time when we get to know people we get to know them based on their superficiality. People seldom take the time to get to know someone’s heart and their mind. They could care less. We live in a world that is full of people who are takers and take pleasure in devouring whoever they can – at whatever cost. The sad part is that for every good person on this Earth, there are fifty or so bad folk. The even more interesting thing here is that the bad folk envisage themselves as good. No one likes to announce or show that they are up to no good or do not have good intentions towards you. If bad things told you that they were bad then Bruce Wayne would never had to head to the bat cave and change into Batman to chase down the Riddler or the Joker; Hansel & Gretel would have never ended up in the oven; and there would no need for the word: stranger in Webster’s Dictionary. I have found as I observe people more that people are always hiding something. They are never up front with you about who they are or what they want from you. Relationships would be so much easier if people would lay their cards out on the table. It would, or could possibly save all the pain and anguish that comes with a breakup. It strikes up the concept of the wolf and the sheep. There are many wolves in this world seeking to gobble and chow down on some sheep wool. There are many sheep in this world too, who have trouble discerning the wolves, typically because wolves parade around in sheep’s clothing. The concept is quite interesting and definitely worth studying when you get a chance. The world is full of self-righteous, individualistic people who are only out for self. This is why there is conflict and death. This is why trust is such a hard thing for most people. No one can trust anybody or anything because people are unreliable and questionable. Their words say one thing, but their actions reveal something else. The question then becomes, how do you react when you discover who is a wolf is sheep’s clothing? How do you smile in their face all the while knowing what they’ve done? That question is difficult to answer because it depends solely on the circumstance and the parties involved, however, it is said to overcome evil with good in the Bible, so everyone should forgive, but not forget. We have to then apply the 3 strikes, you’re out routine to the person. Everyone deserves a second chance and even a third if we apply that law, but after the third strike, how can we forgive? I am convinced that for every sheep there is a dozen wolves seeking to control, annihilate and hurt the sheep. Discernment is a great gift from God to have because you begin to spot wolves more easily because HE gives you revelation about the shenanigans and machinations of the people you deal with on a daily basis. But even after revelation from God about situations and people, we still have a hard time dealing with the truth. This is why scorned lovers continue being friends, why people continue being friends with people who have wronged them. The truth is served before us on a silver platter and yet we ignore it. There is an inconsistency between the heart and the head. The head can say one thing, but the heart can say another. Your head is telling you – to end the thing, but the heart is telling you that the individual means well. Which do you follow? There are some who follow their head and others follow their heart. Genuine gut feeling is what I particularly follow. That urge or feeling that you get inside of you tells you a lot about people and situations. But often times we still ignore that for fear of letting go of un-necessaries and things that are simply not meant to be. We all need to be better people observers because it can save you a lot of shock, hurt and pain down the road, but unfortunately life doesn’t work that way.

Life has many parts, some good, some bad.

Last songs to play on the iPod…
Jason Mraz – The Remedy
Seether – Broken
Click Five – Just The Girl
Nickelback – Photograph
Eve 6 – Inside Out
Presidents of The United States – Peaches
Deftones – Be Quiet & Drive
Switchfoot – Stars
DMB – Tripping Billies
Rob Thomas – This Is How A Heart Breaks
Bush – Everything Zen
Pearl Jam – Animal
Guns & Roses – Paradise City
Hot Hot Heat – Middle of Nowhere


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