Tuesday, September 06, 2005

What Is Going On Is Making Me Wanna Holler Part Four

It just keeps getting more and more amusing to the audible ears. Our focus has shifted from relief for Americans to a focus on skin color, as if skin color should matter considering how one cannot control Mother Nature. There are so many people fearing that America and the world will know the underlying truth: that Blacks are still seen as 3/5 of a person or that sambo pickaninny chowin down on a chicken leg and gnawing at watermelon. There is a perception that is roasted in the minds of many non-Blacks that we are dysfunctional, unsavory characters who deserve brutality and discrimination and it is still going on in 2005. I was surprised to see the governor Blanco as coherent as to give an order to “shoot to kill” the looters. Somehow she mustered up enough breath to utter those words although she couldn’t quite rummage up what was going on earlier last week. I have found this to be very nauseating – just the pure ignorance that exists in this country that focuses so dominantly on the tint of one’s casing. Now, they are urging people to get out of New Orleans as if they can just hop in a car and carouse out of the state. Rep. Elijah Cummings talked with Lou Dobbs tonight on CNN and it appeared as if someone got him because his statements were not as thought-provoking and what the government has considered inflammatory. Kanye West better watch his back cause I’m sure daddy, mama and junior Bush are going to put a hit out on him (or at least cripple his financial status). The Louis Vuitton Don betta “Touch The Sky” and beg that his career isn’t ruined or he’ll find himself in Sierra Leone digging diamonds and humming his own tune. It’s a shame that anyone who isn’t Black can say whatever the fuck they feel like saying, but when I dare say anything it is seen as bad conduct. I am outraged at this deceptive government which considers itself for the people – for anyone but Black people. Someone needs to pull out the Constitution and re-read the guidelines outlined in that document. Some people consider that Blacks are not doing anything themselves – that we as a race are our own enemies but that is just pure poppycock to shift the discussion on our own issues instead of dealing with the real issue here as to the fact that racism still exists and is even more prevalent today than it was back in dem SLAVRY DAZE.


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