Tuesday, August 30, 2005


I debated awhile as to whether I would write this message down but then I decided why not. I have been given a assurance by God as to what HE will do in my life in the near future. HE spoke to my spirit awhile ago and told me that HE would give me favor when I take the LSAT in October and I am believing him for it because I am trying to strengthen my faith. In 2 Corinthians 5:7, it says We live by faith, not by sight, which suggests that when in the body of Christ one should not look to the visual but to the inner self. I have to hold onto that promise because God is about to bless me. I can feel it in my spirit. I am rejoicing and praising HIM because HE still answers prayers. I do not know why I struggled so long to get saved. I do not know why it took God to tap me on the shoulder for me to cry out for HIM and HIS wonderful grace. One thing is for sure, in my walk with HIM, there have been many revelations as to the environment that I am in as well as the people I deal with on a daily basis. Jesus Christ has and still is delivering me from demons and the sin nature because HE is the truth. In John 8:31-32, it says If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples, then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. This is why it is important for me to have strong faith because that is a law in the kingdom of heaven and I have no yearning to dance around with the devil in eternity, but rather sing and praise the Lord in heaven. I am just glad that Jesus has cleansed me and God has brought me into the place of blessing. In Romans 8:1-2 it says, Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death. You do not know how much tranquility my relationship with God has brought me. I was told before that no one can enter the kingdom of heaven unless they are holy and unless they receive Jesus Christ as their savior and that many people are walking around this Earth who believe in God but are not born again or have not accepted Jesus as their Lord and savior. That’s an interesting phrase, because the general thought is that if you believe in God, then you’re going to heaven despite your sinful behavior, but if you read scripture, you will notice that no one will see the Lord without living holy and righteous. I was watching Pastor Benny Hinn on This Is Your Day before I left for Cali and he was telling the audience that the Lord had revealed to him that every unholy or aberrant person would feel HIS wrath in the near future and that nature would turn on us. After watching CNN for the past day or so, what Pastor Hinn said has become a reality. Hurricane Katrina has wreaked havoc on Alabama, Mississippi and parts of Louisiana, which is very scary and matches up to what Pastor Hinn was saying, considering most people I know live in sin and are not trying to have robust faith nor live a holy or righteous lifestyle. The fact that we are a society that is so bent on doing wrong and because we somehow have this predilection that God is an allegory. Everyone does whatever they want without wanting to deal with the consequences to their actions. In Judges 21:25, it says In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they say fit. Isn’t that how it is in this society? Everyone does what they feel like doing when they feel like doing it. The astonishing thing about this is, is that God wants everyone to be saved and walk with HIM and live righteous, but people have gotten it in their mind that it is difficult to do that if they are forced to leave some junk behind. It is very hard to leave what you’ve always been used to but I’d rather leave sin behind and be protected and blessed by the Creator of the Universe than have to suffer the rage of a God who detests wrongdoing, wouldn’t you?


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