Friday, August 12, 2005

Part...Somewhere near 100, But Not Quite Sure

It's almost the end of the summer and I have accomplished 2 things: 1) Learning more about the nature of individuals and 2) Marching towards my destiny & purpose. As far as number one, I think I have written a lot about the subject where you get my drift on how I feel about certain people. That subject should be put to rest, although, I think I'll probably end up revisiting it later on this year. As for the second item in my grocery cart, that one is yet to be exhausted. I finally got clearance for graduation in December. I have 15 credits to go and then out of here I go. I was jumping for joy when I walked out of the counselor's office today. I filled out my application for graduation and I couldn't help feeling happy that I can finally leave and pursue bigger & better things. I will be back in May to walk but I'll be on a plane directly after my celebration dinner @ a restaurant with my family. I debated over attending a graduation party, but I say, what is the use? No...really....really, what is the use attending? You might say that is quite opposite of what usually happens. One usually is happy about going to a grad party and getting drunk and parting ways with friends and associates, but not me. I am happy not to be going. I care not to partake in liquor and be in the presence of fakeness and conformity. Therefore, I'll probably just head to the Cheesecake Factory and order some Sheila's Blackened Pasta and some Key Lime Cheesecake and let my family take all the Kodak photos they want. Then, onto LA for a new chapter in life - and experiencing even more parts. They say that college is supposed to be some of the best years of your life. Well - they have been but there has to be a time when you let go of old things and pick up new things and December 05 is my time.

Is there such a thing as a best friend?, or a friend in general? I have debated this subject over and over in my head and with others. I have summed it up into a brief and complete statement or rather word - Nope. Friends are noexistant. Sure, you hang out with individuals who offer moral support and a shoulder to cry on, but friendship is non-existent. People have this modicum concept that friendships exist. But what is friendship? What people really mean when they call you their friends is this thin layer of approval that vanishes whenever you do not do what they want or you fail to live up to their perception of you. People fall in & out of friendships like they fall in & out of bed, people fall in & out of friendships like they fall in & out of love. Friendships are as nonexistant as jolly old Saint Nick, the Tooth Fairy & the Easter Bunny. The truth is you cannot count on anyone because people are unreliable and fickle. It's sad, but that's just the way it is.

Life has many parts, parts, parts, parts.......


Blogger CS said...

and i was looking forward to to u being there to participate in the festivities of the post grad partying, but nonetheless its another decision. It doesn't really change any of our lives significantly whether u go or not, like its planned out already or something, i tip my beer bottle to u having a good dinner (yeh its my 1st comment on ur writings), u have a unique opinion on friendship, but so do i, i find the relationship to be one of a temporary nature, they will either undoubtfully do something irreconcilable, die, or just fall off. Whatever you want to call it, it shouldn't be the focus of anyone's life in my opinion. Yeh Yeh Yeh but I have a few FOCUSES in my own life that I honestly believe shouldn't have such a high priority. Unfortunately its difficult to act all rational and the sorts when emotions and others factors are not properly managed and controlled.

Blogger shani-o said...

So if friendship doesn't truly exist, why is there a even word for it (or books, poems, songs about it)? Or is it that what many believe to be "friendship" simply a watered-down, imaginary version of the real thing?

That's kind of what I think it is.


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