Tuesday, August 02, 2005

A Musiq In A World Full of Ushers

Much to my surprise, a friend of mine called me a Musiq in a world full of Ushers. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised by the comparison she made. If you ask anyone, they will probably tell you I am unique, but then again we all are in our own way. But that comment got me thinking: why is everyone trying to conform? Why is everyone adopting the personalities of their friends instead of working their talents and strengths? There is this group on my facebook called U Can't Be Me, which is very similar to the other one, God Damn I'm Better Than You. It has gotten that serious where people (including myself) have grown suspicious of people to the point where we create groups where there is a gatekeeper and you have to meet our criteria to become apart of our fraternity, oops, I mean group. What determines elitism? Who am I to say I am really better than someone else? I may have different strengths and talents from you but that does not make me better than you, nor does it make you better than me because my talents do not match with yours. I enjoy being different from others. I stand on my values and beliefs and am proud of it. There comes a point when you let go of trivial and trite behavior and thinking and I have come to that point. I was kind of surprised when she made that comment because I figured that everyone was unique and different, but come to find out, that most people are generally the same. We have conformed to some sort of standard that has been set. Who set this standard where everyone feels they must do what the group is doing? Sure there is peer pressure and other criterion that somehow have become the norm. It is like being the nerd in a room of jocks or being the dumb one in a room full of smart people <-----reverse that the other way. My friend proceeded to tell me this because I was asking what her first impression of me was and she was telling me. "I thought you were cocky," she told me. Now, if having self pride is being cocky, then I am cocky. I do not put myself on a higher plane than anyone else. I do not regard other people as subservient or unequal or as Trillville puts it "on my level." Everyone has their own plane. No plane is higher than the other. We all mature in different increments in our lives. I am the first to tell you however that immaturity is beneath me, but that does not mean that I am cocky. I have just grown past where others are and I love operating at a different level of maturity. I still have a lot to learn though. In order to grow and mature, you must first be willing to change and let go of all of the competition luggage. In Mark 9:35, it says "Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said "Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last and the servant of all." It can be interpreted here that in order to strive to be the best one can be one must first be humble and willing to change and grow. If that is cockiness, then I am cocky. It was interesting when I asked several of my friends what their first impression of me was because I wasn't shocked by any of it, the Musiq comment threw me but did not shock me, so I retract what I said earlier.

Life has many parts....be willing to change them.


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