Thursday, July 28, 2005

Uncleanliness In Spirit II

There is a miniscule amount of people who believe in God on this earth today. Many people do not believe in God. They have this false sense that somehow they fell onto this earth wrapped in a blanket and crying while being held by their mother. This false belief has led many people down a road of sin, thus contaminating their spirit to fulfill the lust of the flesh. These fleshy desires are what the devil uses to get us away from living the way God created us to live. People opt to do whatever they want and think that there would not be consequences for their actions. Unbeknowest to the unbelievers or backslidders, they do not know that God is watching their every move. People deceive and cheat, and do all sorts of things behind closed doors and think that they are getting away with it, but the Lord Almighty sees you. Do not fool yourself. If people really believed that there was a God there wouldn't be so much desire in the world today. People have created false idols such as liquor, material clothes, money and other THINGS. Every person has fallen short of the will of God and thus, our world is contaminated and filthy. People desire to have new houses and new cars, perky jobs and wealth that flows like milk & honey. These fleshy desires are what is driving people further into sin. Why is this? This occurs primarily because people do not believe in God nor do they fear God. If they believed in the mighty power of the almighty God who reigns in heaven, we wouldn't be so fascinated by THINGS. We would walk upright and perform the purpose we were created to do. In Proverbs 14:2, it says Whoever fears the Lord walks uprightly, but those who despise him are devious in their ways. When you think of despise, it brings up the synonym hate or dislike. So can we assume that all unbelievers and backslidders do not fear the Lord? Well, you could say that because if you do not believe in God, then you cannot fear him and if you are a backslidder, you do not fear God. It is important therefore to decide to lay down the fleshy desires and repent to the Lord. We should as all Americans first acknowledge the belief in God. I cannot even begin to fathom, how one cannot believe in God. But then again, people only believe in what they see and if they cannot see it, then they figure it does not exist. Therefore, because we cannot see or touch God we feel as if there is no God. But the devil is a liar. Stop allowing his pollution to invade your purpose. Until we lay down the fleshy desires and get back into the purpose that God created for us, we will never achieve HIS purpose for our lives, and our spirit will forever remain contaminated and unclean and thus we will die and not go to heaven. The punishment for sin is death, backslidder and unbeliever. God wants us to be holy and it is time we start being holy and living by the will of God and the purpose HE had when HE created us. Lay down the desire while you still can, you will thank yourself later because you'd know your spirit is clean and that you would live forever.


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