Saturday, July 23, 2005

Step Out of The Grip V: The Last of This Blog Series

I was thinking about how to conclude this blog series and I found a way to conclude this pivotal blog series. It is time for us to get our minds right. We have become so entrenched and brainwashed in things that they have completely possessed us and the mind is grabbing ahold of things that we need to let go of. There are some of you reading this who still have fragments and pieces floating around in your cerebrum that need to be discarded in order for you to get your mind right. The mind is an interesting body part because it connects us to the world around us. We envision and perceive things through our thoughts, thus our thoughts create in us a picture. This picture can be drawn in many ways depending on the situation that you are going through or the type of thought that is running around in your head.

Our thoughts influence how we perceive others. It is our mind that spews out thoughts of how others perceive us, it is our mind that makes us turn to the bottle, it is our mind that has us feeling depressed, it is our mind that ultimately governs how we react to situations and people. This is why it is very important to get your mind right because it can cause you to spiral downward. But how can we get our mind right if we do not perceive that anything is wrong with it? Your mind is not right if you are depressed, your mind is not right if you feel you must have random sex. Your mind is not right if you have to turn to some tequila to have a good time. Your mind is not right if you gossip about others or have a tendency to care what others think about you.

Our mind plays tricks on us. We think that we have a well mind, but in fact our mind has been polluted by others and things we see. The brain has the capacity to hold many situations in the mind and they never go away unless you kill those thoughts and step out of the grip. The mind has us to believe that what we are doing is positive when in reality what we are doing is anything but. It is kind of deceptive because you begin to wonder what has possessed me to think that I am doing something positive when I am not really doing anything positive.

The situations that you are placed in and the shifting of the people you encounter can cause you to perceive things that aren't or were never even there and you being to shape and form a thought and it is swimming in the abyss of your brain. This is why you may have the tendency to talk about people or get this urge to drink because you have been placed in a situation or encountered a person who has conjured up a thought in your mind that you feel this is the only solution to counteract that thought. I hope you got that. We tend to do what has been done to us or what we see others do. We talk about people because they talk about us. We have random sex because someone has told us how magnificent and wonderful it is and we want to try it ourselves. It is the urge that needs to be satisfied but it is never satisfied because the morning after, we often regret having done the nasty. How then do we get rid of these "positive" thoughts? We have to go through the agony of letting things in us die out in order for the thoughts to be grinded up and thrown away. Otherwise, the thoughts will continue to resurface and thus we revisit the same old behavior.

Often times, we think we have gotten over something and the thought has left us but because we have not gone through the agony of actually letting that thing die out, the thought resurfaces and we revisit. This is why one moment you can be fine and the next you are reminded of the depression you felt after a relationship breakup because you have not confronted the thought and stepped out of the grip of that particular situation that is still plaguing your mind. This is why one moment you can be totally comfortable and the next minute you are craving that next shot of rum because this habit has been formed in your mind and the habit has not died out nor has the thought. Thoughts become words and thoughts can become actions. For example, I think I will have steak tonight. That is a thought and those are words and then I go to the store and buy the steak and cook it. There is an itch that the thought gives that needs to be scratched and everytime you scratch it, the thought will continue to sit in the whirlpool of your mind and the grip that the thought has on you will not be released. It is important to note that until you deal with the thoughts and get your mind right that you will always revisit or thoughts will distract and cause confusion in you until you let the thoughts die out.

Life has many parts, STEP OUT OF THEM and let new ones be formed.