Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Spin Cycle

It is true that whatever does not come out in the wash, will come out in the rinse. That statement carries power in it, because it resolves the secrets & lies issue. People are constantly lying and keeping secrets from their friends and family not realizing that eventually those secrets & lies will come out. Friendships and relationships have disintegrated because of secrets and lies. Marriages end in divorce and all hell breaks loose when people lie and keep secrets or refuse to tell the truth. So why do we as Americans lie? Many people say it is in our nature to lie; that humans are born liars. Who deemed that to be true? It is easier to tell the truth than it is to lie because once a lie is told, you have to keep the lie going and going like the Energizer bunny. Secrets shatter and shake up people's worlds. I know a few people whose world has almost fallen apart because of secrets. People live in a world of keeping things from others. I have been convinced that people keep secrets because they are afraid of the consequences of telling their business. I was told that people cannot be trusted. You cannot trust anyone as far as you can throw them. Everything you have said to someone: expect it to be broadcast on the front page of the news. Of course, this metaphor, is quite contingent on the individual who gossips. I abhor gossip. I cannot stand it. I have found that no one is perfect (although, we'd all like to think we are) and thus, talking about someone is worthless and time consuming. There is only so much time in a day to get things accomplished, why would I waste my time in gossip. Others might not agree. They have this foundation that rests solely on gossip and talking about people, but out of this comes judgment. When you gossip, you judge. You are putting yourself on a higher plateau than the person you are judging and talking about. I really am sickened by the people who judge and do not even know you. I know a few people who do this. That is just plain pathetic. People have not seemed to take heed to the old phrase: what goes around comes around, because if they did, they wouldn't spend their time judging and talking about people. People will find the most ridiculous reasons to talk about people: clothing, hair, the way they talk, etc; just dumb stuff. If you can look in the mirror @ yourself and see a perfect person, then I would suppose you have full right to talk about someone, but no one is perfect, no one. I am not about to sit here and say that I haven't talked about someone before, but I have stopped because it's a waste of energy. I have other things to do with my time than that. I am sure right now someone is talking about me or judging me and it may even be a friend of mine - but like the saying says eventually I'll find out about it, because if it doesn't come out in the wash, it will in the rinse.


Blogger shani-o said...

Yeah, I'm judging you right now. But seriously, ok... do you think it's bad to talk about a person in jest? I mean, I may talk about what someone is wearing, but that doesn't lessen my opinion of them.

I don't think it's all to the bad if it's in fun. I'm not getting worked up over the fact that someone chose to wear yellow and green striped rainboots with and orange sweater - simply commenting.


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