Wednesday, August 24, 2005

A Taste of $25 Mil

I was browsing AOL and was piqued by this home in Laguna Beach, California. Homes in Laguna Beach are generally listed for about $1.5 million, while this one I looked at prices at about $25 million. It comes complete with eight & a half bathrooms and elevator. The reason I mention the bathrooms is because I often wonder why homes need so many bathrooms because no one can use that many bathrooms in a house considering all you can do in a bathroom is use it, clean it and clean yourself. The elevator is round glass and it wraps itself around the spiral staircase. The mansion for this massive amount of money sits in Emerald Bay, which is a portion of Laguna Beach that was founded in 1929 for all of the rich peeps who decided they needed to be separated from the lesser lights that lived in the other part of Laguna Beach – which is Laguna Beach. Speaking of Laguna Beach, that show is utter crap kind of like Rich Girls – which is a horde of drivel. I still have yet to see quality television on MTV, with the exception of. …hmmm…nothing. I stopped watching MTV back when I was in high school and I stopped watching BET freshman year in college. I just recently found out that they fired AJ & Free. Too bad for AJ. Too bad for Free – I really liked her…. Gluteus maximus (if it isn’t spelled correctly you get MY DRIFT COMPADRE) more commonly known as – the buttocks. 106 & Park is going down the drain like water does in a sink. I am still here in Cali, enjoying the waft and the Coffee Bean. Of course, I have only been a few places because I am a lazy bum when it comes to going places, but I wallow in my bed and peer out the window at the wind blowing the palms and the sun blazing on my non-sun screened skin. The UV rays have to be messing with my pigmentation and causing my brown skin to become pitch black – not Pitch Black, the movie, but black as in Negro as it called in Espanol. Sorry no tilde over the N. Upon my return to stupendous DC, I am finding myself not wanting to return and conclude my last semester of college. I guess it is because Cali is so fascinating and I can breathe here without the stench of dealing with university shenanigans and people who have no backbone or conscious. I sigh in the fact that I will be back Sunday night, probably watching a re-run of a TV show or listening to music in my four-walled small room. You see the room I have is an A room, which is smaller than the B rooms, but who cares, I’m out in December, so I’ll just stick it out a lil while longer. No sense in me complaining or requesting to transfer to another room or dorm considering the fact that I have brand new carpet in my room. Ahh, that salubrious carpet smell. That is the only remodeling they’ve done, although Shani, who also writes a blog called Incommunicado, mentioned that they did up Douglass Hall, which was a shock considering that place is so old it was most likely built back when Douglass was still alive. JK – I talk so dreadfully about my alma mater, but when you have been dealt so many blows by a place how can you speak optimistically about it. I will say this though – it has done wonders for my GPA.


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