Sunday, October 19, 2008

Slipping Into Darkness

McCain is pitiful. I don't know how much more I can take. First, at the final debate, McCain was his usual grumpy grandpa self with his rolling of the eyes and petty character attacks against Obama. Next, came his pathetic and racist robocalls to voters hinting that Obama is "not one of us." When called on it - he said they will continue. After General Powell's endorsement of Obama this morning, conservative bashers George Will and Rush Limbaugh, quickly pounced saying Powell did it specifically because Obama is Black. As if his intelligence and temperament went out the window.

As dubious as the voter fraud complaints have been from the Republicans, now they are stooping even lower, by trying to appeal to the Supreme Court in an effort to stop Obama from being handed the keys to the White House. The Supreme Court luckily did not take the bait. In fact, Obama lawyers are challenging the Bush administration's role in this election. In essence, they are putting out the fire before it starts. 

Now, McCain is crouching even lower. He complained to Fox News' Chris Wallace, this morning about Obama's money advantage. This coming from a guy who was defiant against his own legislation. This elementary and rudimentary behavior coming from the GOP is laughable. I am by all means, not being cocky. After all, the last two elections were embezzled by the elephant party and there is still time for them to pull a fast one over on us Americans - but this is getting tiresome and nauseating. I am glad I mailed out my absentee ballot to avoid confusion at the polls on Election Day.

It's still early. There are a few weeks before November 4. McCain is a fighter. He after all has said he knows how to win wars. I wonder just how far he'll go to win this one.


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