Sunday, October 05, 2008

Taking Off The Gloves Does Have A Price

Barack Obama has always been treading on thin ice. I mean he is running as a post-racial politician in a racist society. America is still one of the most racist countries in the world. Many Americans are racist or have a racist viewpoint of minorities, in particular. McCain is tapping into that now with his ranting and raving about Obama palling around with terrorists.

In their last ditch effort, the McCain campaign has decided "to turn the page on the economy" and focus on the "risky" character of their opponent. Obama has shot back saying that McCain is revisiting old stuff. I mean McCain even played the Jeremiah Wright card (which was exhausted during the primaries by right wingnuts and the mainstream media). We heard so much about him that I thought he was on the ballot for awhile there.

McCain today at a rally spent the majority of his speech lambasting Obama as unqualified and not ready - a line of attack they've used before (flashback: Paris Hilton ad). This seems to be the ground they feel they can win on. But voters are not so convinced. They are worried about pocketbook issues moreso than William Ayers.

The debate is on Tuesday - with the McCain campaign already launching numerous lies about Obama to discredit his character. Many Republican strategists have denounced McCain's new strategy saying it is very dangerous. And it is - because it insights racism and animosity in the bigotry sectors of America.

The kind who do not like Obama period. The voters who are afraid of him and what he "might" do as President. The ones who think MLK got his just desserts. McCain is running a dishonorable campaign. It is mimic-ing the silent majority ruse that Nixon used when he ran to discredit minorities (predominately, African Americans). The fireworks are ready to fire - I bet a $50 contribution to the Obama campaign that McCain will use the n word before it is all over. Palin has apparently given Johnny Mac the green light according to William Kristol.
She believes Mac should do whatever he can to bring up Obama's character. But this is the same woman who was rumored to have called Obama a sambo, so getting advice from her is not something McCain should be doing.

Obama is a brave man, though; "running while Black" as Bob Herbert put it. He has shown as great amount of cool and temperament throughout this adventure of campaigning for the highest office in the land. I am sure he will navigate the next thirty days very well. 

McCain better pray and hope that he does not slip up and say something that pops his new found hot air balloon (the "new" attack Obama strategy, although not really new). Palin told McCain to take the gloves off. Well, that sometimes has a price. A high price, indeed.


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