Friday, September 26, 2008

Debate Analysis

From the start of the debate, I was concerned. Concerned that Obama would portray himself as an above the fray guy. He has seemed aloof to many undecided voters as not having strong convictions and no concrete proposals despite his almost agreement with Hillary Clinton during the primaries. But as a staunch Obama supporter, the fears that many have expressed about Obama were squashed during the debate. Obama performed and performed well. 

McCain held his own too, however. He [to me] seemed rather competent to handle the challenges of the next President. The only problem I had with McCain was his contempt for Obama that was revealed during the debate. It is quite obvious that the Illinois senator has gotten under his skin. Many pundits saw McCain as a grumpy old man similar to the movie with Walter Matthau and Jack Lemmon. 

While Obama agreed with McCain about 25% of the time during the debate, McCain did not move the dial with voters and neither did Obama. McCain also agreed with Obama on the points concerning the bailout plan - although he did not say it outright as Obama did. 

Overall, Obama did well by showing voters he could handle the crises that America faces and will faces. Obama needed to show he could be a commander and he solved that. A recent CBS poll showed 44% of voters saw Obama as a credible commander before the debate and 60% now say he is. That is a decent jump after only one debate. McCain held his ground - which he needed to do and tried to steer clear of Bush, but that record of his will get him in trouble when the economy and healthcare are discussed in the next debates.

2 more to go. But for now, I'd call the debate a tie between the two.


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