The Status Quo Is Not So Bad You Know
In the days since the Republican Convention, Democrats seem worried. They are concerned that McCain has enjoyed a delightful bounce out of his convention. Apparently, voters aren't too issue driven. They much prefer style. But on that front, Obama should win hands down. So why is McCain ahead? Sarah Palin. She has energized the Republican base and drawn some more white women into the Republican column. These Walmart moms and suburban mothers are enjoying seeing the first potential woman veep in the White House.
The Republicans seem to be successfully hoodwinking voters into believing that the last 8 years have not occurred (or have been run by a "liberal" Washington [a la Mitt Romney]) . They are banking on the public being stupid. After all, it worked in 2000 and in 2004. Voters decided who they'd rather have a beer with than who could best get money into their pocket. In this it's the economy stupid election, voters seem to be oblivious to the fact that John McCain will be a carbon copy of George Bush (if that is even plausible).
The latest tracking poll has McCain enjoying a 4 point lead over Obama among white women, who claim Palin was a game changing decision for them. Really? Women will really vote for Palin simply because she is a woman. If that is the case, that is quite pathetic. That is like saying all African Americans should vote for Obama because he is half Black.
But in these perilous times, voters aren't as smart. They wake up and smell the coffee after it has been brewed and cooled off. Voters still apparently haven't learned the okie doke Republicans pull every election season. They fall for it hook, line and sinker. And this election is proving to be just like the others; except for one small difference: Obama.
For months now, the conservative media (yes the media is ultra conservative no matter what line of bull they feed you) has been meme-ing the narrative that this election is a referendum on Obama. On his experience, his command of the issues and judgment. Rick Davis, campaign manager of the McCain campaign, said that this election will be about "personalities." I suppose that is why the straight talk express has adopted the change mantra or tried to.
They bring out Palin to repeat that they are change. And voters are falling for it. What can the Obama campaign do? Fight and fight hard. A clear, precise and cut to the chase message should be on exhibit for all to see from Barack. He is getting there. In the past week, he has said that the Republicans are dishonest and that McCain is no maverick. Obama has said in the past that the Republicans don't know who they are dealing with.
Even if the Republicans are no match for Obama, voters still may go with McCain. That would be a terrible thing. 4 more years of the last 8 years is too horrendous to think about. But for those voting for McCain in November, they seem to disagree. Most people, after all, like the status quo. Change isn't easy. In fact - it never is.
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