Thursday, October 02, 2008

Hockey Mom vs Average Joe

The debate was no game changer. In fact - it did nothing but prove how effective Biden and Palin are as veeps for their respective teams. Palin, who was creating a severe bleed within the Republican party had to show those hard nosed conservatives that she was ready for primetime. She did - with a few zingers lost among questions she dodged. Palin proved herself to be quite good at deflecting how a McCain administration would be any different from George Bush's. In essence, it would not. Hint: she kept saying that Biden was looking backward. A key note that the McSame argument is working in those battleground states that will choose which senator ends up in the White House. But Palin did stop the bleeding - with a Band-aid. 

Joe Biden avoided any gaffes, which many were expecting him to have. He did not refer to FDR speaking on tv (despite the fact that tv was not invented when FDR was pres). Biden kept his cool during many moments when he could have tore Palin to shreds. He, of course, would have looked like a school bully beating up on a woman. That would not have played well to voters. 

Voters have shown to be more inclined to support optimism than negativity; which is why Obama's message of a new kind of politics worked so well. 

We'll see if any more undecideds became decided after last night's debate. I doubt it - although stranger things have happened. I have been surprised before, like I was with how well Biden and Palin performed.


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