Thursday, October 16, 2008

A Moderate?

So I took this quiz and I suppose by the quiz, my political views are conservative. I guess I should join the elephant party considering those facts right. Nope. I am going to remain an independent voter. I can be a moderate conservative and stay in the middle. I do have to say I was quite surprised considering I am not a fan of school vouchers or cutting earmarks, but I do like lower taxes and believe government is not the answer to all of society's ills.
I was reading National Review and found an interesting article by Kathleen Parker, who talks about Chris Buckley's endorsement of Obama. I agree with Chris, Obama has it in him to be one of the greatest Presidents we've had. He, I believe will be remembered along with both Roosevelts, Truman, Lincoln, Reagan and Clinton.
Marc Lamont Hill, a frequent Fox News Contributor, says that Obama is a centrist masquerading as a liberal. I agree. Obama's 95% tax cut plan is not liberal. In fact, tax cutting is a conservatist principle. The Republicans believe in low taxes and giving benefits to the little guy out there. Too bad over the last eight years, the little guy has been left out.
I must say I am still surprised by the results of that quiz. I mean it was only one....but then I took another and the same results came back. Funny thing about it - Rush Limbaugh and The Weekly Standard do not bother me as much as they did when I thought I was progressive. I am not saying that I do not believe in progressivism but not in all aspects. I guess that is what moderates do. They believe in ideas on both ends of the political spectrum.


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