Saturday, October 18, 2008

Every One Wants An Answer

What is it about life that keeps us wanting to find its purpose? We all know that we are here for a reason. Our challenge or rather the journey is to find out what that particular purpose is. I have learned over the 24 years that I have been on this Earth - that the challenge gets harder, not easier. People often say that this is the time of your life - but what does that mean? The tired ole' cliches have got to stop. You know the ones you have heard for a long time. A long, long time. The live everyday like it's your last and all that. I am a firm believer that you will go when your time is up in this lifetime.
But what explains the kinds of events that blindside us? A friend that dies of an enlarged heart. A young man dying from a motorcycle crash or someone being in the prime of their life - suddenly finds themselves homeless. These kinds of unexpected tragedies happen all the time, everyday. And we ask why? There is really no answer to that question. Purportedly, there are those who say God will speak, as if he will say something audible enought for you to hear it.
I know that there is a universal force that exists. The divine mind. The man upstairs. The pie-in-the-sky guy. The Alpha & Omega. We all seem to question his existence whenever we find ourselves in turbulent situations or we are simply caught off guard by the rude awakenings we get from tragedy. We all say want answers to these pertinent questions of why things happen the way they do. Why we are here? But we really don't ask them with angst and urgency until we are face to face with a life altering decision or a cataclysmic disaster.


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