Friday, October 17, 2008

Hardly, A Maverick

The Republicans are professional knife throwers. Wielding sharp butcher knives, the GOP is armed and ready to attack Obama anyway, anyhow. In their desperate attempt to stay afloat, the McCain campaign has resulted to robocalls and portraying Obama as otherworldly. The nastiness has gotten nastier with one McCain supporter blatantly saying that members of Congress [along with Obama] should be investigated for being anti-American. But of course, I'd expect nothing more from that Congresswoman who also said that minority lending has caused this economic downturn.
The GOP has since Nixon ,won elections on wedge issues like same sex marriage, abortion and gun control. The party of Lincoln has become one of the most extreme parties of the 21st century. It started with the Bush-Cheney-Rove politics of sly sleight of hands. Hint: 2000. Bush "won" the electoral college, but lost the popular vote and many conservatives laughed when he was voted in again in 2004 to continue his power trip.
Under the Bush administration, America has witnessed 9/11, Katrina, and one of the greatest economic drops since the Great Depression. Despite this, John McCain continues repeating the conservatist mantra of low taxes, less government spending and more deregulation. Fine and dandy - but the DOW does not need to continue plummeting either and that is what will happen under the McCain/Palin administration.
GOP operatives are aware of this, however. So they had made sure that issues like William Ayers, and the fact that Obama is Black are front and center issues for voters. Hoping to stroke the racial cords of bigotry, the McCain campaign has allowed people to shout "kill him." "terrorist," and "bomb him" at their rallies. In their idiotic attempts to scale back the comments their supporters made, they found two noteworthy networks to make the case that what was actually heard, wasn't heard. Those two networks happened to be the birthplace of smearing Obama, Fox News, and the most trusted name in news, CNN.
What happened to the John McCain of 2000? That is the question on everyone's mind. He has hired political hacks and tricksters to run his campaign and made a devastating choice for vice President. People call her a breathe of fresh air. That she is for regular people. That argument might have worked had she not blown the interviews she had with Charlie Gibson and Katie Couric and her general lack of knowledge about this government. Touting country first only gets you so far. There must be some substance there and with Palin - substance is null and void. But what happened to John McCain, the maverick? I do not think he ever was. A man who votes 90% of the time with a President who has put himself first, is hardly a maverick.


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