Friday, October 28, 2005

untitled #1

-So first lady Bush was on campus today. Happy Happy Joy Joy! What on Earth did she come here for someone please let me know? The campus security decided to do their job for once and block off certain areas so someone couldn't hurt the lady. Protesters did get in however, which wasn't surprising with the toy cops and all. I am still wondering why the university decided to invite her as if she is some kind of icon or something. Nope, sorry, she is far from it. Supposedly there was an 85% chance that Bush would have come too. That would have been interesting - a Republican who doesn't care about Blacks on a Black campus. Kind of odd wouldn't you say?

-I have gotten back into throwback rock lately. I have culled some rock songs from yesteryear - my yesteryear that is. I am going to make a playlist similar to XM Radio's Ethel. I have listened to everything from Edwin Mccain's "I Could Not Ask For More" to Live's "Lakini's Juice," and of course the throwback of throwback's No Doubt's "Just A Girl." I remember when Tragic Kingdom first came out. For many people I knew at the time, it was the first cd that they bought. I do not recall my first CD - I think it was jazz though. When I was just starting to get into jazz music - smooth jazz not the Duke Ellington/Art Tatum stuff. I like today's rock songs too. I particularly am a fan of Howie Day and Switchfoot as well as DMB, although they are not too new like the other two. "Collide" (Day) and "Stars" (Switchfoot) are my favorite rock songs @ the moment partly because they are great. I am also a fan of Jason Mraz and The Click Five.

-39 days til I take a drive to the Lou. How fun? 16 hours in a car - woo hoo! Can't wait. Actually i can't wait. My father tells me after I take my last final I will breathe a sigh of relief that it's over - for now. I cannot wait though, you should see my excitement or can you tell that I am smiling thinking about the day when I get on the highway and drive away from this place. This place that has taught me so much about people, especially my Black people and myself. I have become a stronger individual who will have a difficult time trusting people in the future even with the spirit of discernment people can still fool ya. Besides, I need to put some miles on mi automobile. I've had it a few years and only have about 8 thousand or so miles on it. Partly because I refuse to drive to trivial places and plus DC doesn't have too much to offer me. So, it is time to break my car in. One month 2 go!

-Miers stepped down? Wow, that's shocking. I guess her non-judicial background was enough to make her step down. Too bad though cause now Bush Jr. has to nominate another candidate. Since he is in the mood to nominate non-judicial people, how about Heidi Klum or Paris Hilton, or Ron Jeremy, better yet Flava Flav or Marky Mark - they would all make interesting judicial judges wouldn't you say. Bring a lil excitement 2 the Supreme Court. They'd sure give America a run for their money.

-BET is turning 25 or rather they turned 25 already and they are having a celebration on Tuesday. That will probably be the only time I'll be watching BET (say that as one word not letter by letter). BET has just gotten worse and worse - with little umph. Music videos 24/7 is just not wat's hot in these streets but then again not too much is.

Life has many parts, fly some of them to the moon.


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