Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The Things I Come Up With...

Just a few things....

1) Thoughts on Some Television Shows - Deal or No Deal - It is something to watch on a night when you have nothing else to do. Entertaining game show; Windfall - I think it is addicting, almost as addicting as House or the CSIs; Game Show Marathon - I think America is living in the past....but at least Ricki Lake is making a come back; The Unit - Never watched it, but CBS is really packing in those Bruckheimer dramas.

2) Job Hunting - I have been looking for a job and found it isn't as easy as I thought it would be. I heard that Entertainment is competitive, but perhaps I should have majored in something less popular like Anthropology. (hopefully, no anthropology major is reading this).

3) Nelly Furtado, A Little More Commercialized - I like Nelly Furtado, but I think she strayed away from her unique sound with that Timbaland produced song. I like the song, but it is far from Well, Well or Powerless.

4) X3: The Last Stand - Good movie. Better than the 1st two. Halle Berry looked good as usual.

5) The Word Nigga - A good friend of mine sent me an email on how Black people shouldn't use the world nigga because it defames us. The email says how we say it to each other yet other races cannot say it us. I agree. I think nigga is a putdown. I have used it in the past referring to my friends and cousins, but I have gotten tired of having it in my vocab. I am going to forward that to as many people as I can think of.

6) Jill Scott Parallels - My cousin analyzed many of Jill Scott's songs and many of her songs discuss food. My cousin and I were wondering why she makes so many parallels between love and food. Can you really draw a parallel between grits and sex?

7) The Professor Backed Down - You know the professor who made a big deal about my wanting to know if she'd sent the recs timely, I kindly told her that I was just checking and ended my response with God Bless you and she wrote a nice note back. Good always overcomes evil.

Life has many parts -

Last to play....
LL Cool J - Freeze
Floetry - Lay Down
Teena Marie - Ooh Wee
Letoya - Torn
Isley Brothers - Just Came Here To Chill


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